Chapter One~ Five Years After Under the Mountain

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"Rhys, we have a problem."

Rhysand looked around to see Azriel standing there, and Rhys's eyes widened. Azriel's clothes were torn and bloody and there was a deep slash going down the right side of his face. His wings were out and the left one looked like a sword had sliced through it. Azriel's eyes though betrayed no hint of pain, his face devoid of emotion. "Az, what happened?" asked Rhys, eyes flickering over Azriel's form, looking for any more injuries.

"I was sparring, it does not matter. A female is requesting an audience with you she says she is from a village in the mountains and they've been attacked."

Rhys finished the drink he was holding and followed Azriel out of the townhouse and into the streets of Velaris, where children played and there was the sound of laughter. Rhys saw Mor and Amren with a group of females, sending them into a tavern. Azriel headed in their direction and Rhys followed.

"They claim they've been attacked by rogue Illyrians, and some of them have been taken as prisoners" continued Azriel, dodging a small blonde girl who shrieked at the sight of Rhys and ran off shouting, "High Lord!" and Rhys fought back a smile. They reached the stone tavern and Azriel slammed the door open with his fist and Rhys was surprised to see the tavern was empty. The tables usually had males around it, with tankards in hand but it was empty except for the barmaid who was washing the ground. She bowed respectfully to Rhys, something he didn't expect from his people, but he knew they did it out of respect for him, so he smiled at her. "They went upstairs my lord" she told him and then added, "would one of you want something to drink or eat? Would you like bandages for those wounds?"

Azriel shook his head. "They're fine, thank you."

"No thank you miss" said Rhys, "have a nice day" Rhys went up the wooden stairs and Azriel followed him. The stairs creaked and as they went further up the stairs, Rhys could smell ale and a sweet smell, most likely a scent used desperately to get rid of the ale smell. The barmaid had looked tired and weary and had still respected him, something he knew, not many did anymore.

The sound of females crying came from the room to the right and Rhys pushed the door open.

Amren and Mor were sitting on a bed, six females sitting on either chairs or on the floor. Their clothes were muddied and torn and one of the females had the ends of her dress singed, like she had gone through fire. Some of them had torn their dresses as make-shift bandages.

"Rhys, Azriel, we have a problem" said Amren, who was cutting up proper bandages and there was a bowel of boiling water.

"What is the problem?" asked Rhys, noticing then how the females looked terrified of Azriel and him. Rhys sat down on the edge of the bed and saw Azriel had retracted his wings, but he still looked terrifying as usual. "Don't mind him" added Rhys, gesturing towards Azriel, "he looks scary as fuck but he's like a puppy."

A female who looked to be around fifteen years of age let out a giggle then it disappeared. Azriel shot Rhys a look but he shrugged it away. If the females were frightened of males, it made him sure of what exactly had happened.

"A few days ago, my lord" started a dark-haired female with a deep cut across her throat, "a band of Illyrians attacked our sanctuary, it's a safe place from males, and they burned it down to the ground to lure us out. They-they attacked us and -and took females as prisoners and said we'd never see them again. Only the six of us managed to escape and the rest at the camp they forced-forced themselves upon" the female stuttered a few times and tears shone in her eyes and Rhys felt anger.

"Where is your sanctuary located?" questioned Azriel, his voice cold. A blonde-haired female answered. "The mountains to the blue oceans. A day's walk. We came here to beg our lord to rescue our sisters. We...we are not strong enough to get them back!"

Mor laid a hand on the female's shoulder and murmured comforting words but the female didn't calm down. The female threw herself down at Rhys's feet, startling him. "Please my lord" she begged, tears falling on to the wooden floor, her head bowed, "please help our sisters, many are children. Please-"

Rhys put a hand on the female's back, leaning forward. "I swear to all of you" promised Rhys, his voice laced with the deadly intent towards the rogue Illyrian males, "I will personally hunt the Illyrians down and save your sisters and deliver punishment unto them. My library is a sanctuary for females from males. You are all welcome to stay there, for as long as you need and when we find your sisters, you are all welcome to come live in Velaris."

The female looked up at him, gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you thank you thank you!" she scrambled away quickly then, as if realising her close proximity to him. Rhys stood, and the females watched him warily.

There was a knock at the door and then the barmaid came in, carrying cut up bandages and glasses and a jug of water. Rhys took the jug of water from her and placed it on the bed-side table and the females reached forward and took more bandages.

"How much room do you have here?" asked Rhys and the barmaid turned to face him. "I can fit them in for tonight but tomorrow and the days after are booked" she replied, and Rhys nodded and turned to face the females. "You can stay here for tonight, all charges will be paid by me, anything you want, take it. Tomorrow, permanent arrangements will be made by then."

The females thanked him and then Rhys got up to leave, knowing him and Azriel made the females uncomfortable and went to leave when one of the females spoke up.

"There was something I heard my lord...from the Illyrians."
Rhys turned, frowning. "What did you hear?"

The female swallowed, looking nervous. "They were talking about a female from the Night Court living in the Autumn Court who is the ward of Eris Vanserra, who killed his father a few days ago. The news has been contained but his brothers have gone missing, presumed dead. The Illyrians were saying they would go join the Autumn Court now, since Eris Vanserra is High Lord. And rumor has it, he will marry the female to join both courts as she is High Fae."

"A female from the Night Court is living in the Autumn Court?" questioned Mor, looking doubtful. The female nodded vigorously. "Her name is Rhea."

All the blood drained from Rhys's face.

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