The Birth of Batgirl

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A/n Alright guys. Sorry it took so long with the update. I'm honestly reconsidering my writing. Because it's pretty crappy. I've been trying to make my work look more professional. Thanks for commenting. I'm still a little new too Wattpad so thanks for welcoming me. It's been amazing. I will try to update more, thanks for all the votes on "note to readers*". My goal for this story is: 1k, but I really don't think that's happening any time soon. This story will be coming to an end soon. If you have any suggestions for any story's in the future please comment or leave it on my message bored. And please check out my other story's: death of a speedster, the return of Dick and Jason, and Young Justice vs. Teen Titans. Thanks!

Okay my little wing dings (I stole that from a nightwing Instagram user. I'm not sure which one though, I follow tons of nightwing, but I'm going to start using know) here goes nothing...

Oh and stay schway!

Barbara's (batgirl) POV

I walk through the door. I hear my heart beating loader then any thing around me. The justice league and Dick's team are locked up, but no Robin.

"Bar-" Kid flash starts.

"It's Batgirl... You can call me batgirl," I say proudly.

"Wow, another lackey. I thought batman already had enough. I guess I'll just have to kill you too. Robin finish her!" Ivy yells.

Robin must be under her spell, because he comes out of the shadows and lunches at me. Knowing the only way to quickly end the spell is a kiss I lead him into the other room, with a series of flips and dodged kick attempts. Once were out of sight I pull him into a kiss. He raps his arms around my waist. After a couple of seconds, we both pull away.

"I love you," he whispers.

I feels the butterflies in my stomach.

"I love you too." I mutter. He catches my words in another kiss.

"Come on." We walk out and into the next room. Robin grapples up and then drop kicks Ivy.

I run and let out Batman, Wonder Woman, and Super man. They begin battling Bane. Then a let out Kid Flash, Artemis, and Aqua lad, they battle Sports Master.

Robin comes and helps me unlock the other leaguers.


After the battle we took Ivy, Sportswear Master, and Bane to Arkham. When we get back to the bat-cave batman turns to me and scowls.

"Barbara, how could you be so irresponsible?!" He yells at me.

"Because I told her to Master Bruce." Alfred says peering out of the shadows.

"Alfred! You told her are secret?!" Batman yells taking of his cowl.

"No sir, she already knew that."

"Yeah, about that, I've kinda known for, 3 years." I say.

Bruce turns to Dick, Dick stands there pretending not to see Bruce staring at him.


"I'm so sorry Bruce! But 3 years ago, on patrol I kinda had a run in with Bane. And I kinda almost died so I had to go to Barbara."

"So now that we got all that straightened out, I'm just going to go." I say awkwardly.

"No! What you think you can be Batgirl full time now?!" Bruce says angrily.

"Bruce-" Dick tries.

"No! Both of you are on probation for the next 2 weeks, no team, no missions." He stats.

"Wait a minute, I'm on probation? Does this mean I'm batgirl now?!" I ask excitedly.

A hit of a smile comes out of Bruce.

"I've never see anybody do that good of a job on the first try. So you can't tell anyone, but... Welcome aboard Batgirl." Bruce says.

As he and Alfred exit I squeal out of excitement.

I run over and kiss Dick.

"Wait, so are we like, I don't know... Together now?" He asks happily.

"Yes Dick, now shut up and kiss me," I say.

"Wait but what about Zac?"

"Well, I came here earlier today, to tell you, I ended it with him."

He smiles and kisses me back.

A/n yay there finally together! Is any one else happy? Thank you guys! Okay so the next chapter will be the last one. It will be called the end. It will just be about her becoming a member of Young Justice. Yay! Thanks my little wing dings!

Stay schway!

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