Special VI: 'My Answer is You'

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Jas' POV


I leaned my head on the cold surface of the bus window, staring aimlessly at the scenery outside as the bus ferried my lonely soul back home.

Time passed so quickly today. People had approached me to give me warm hugs or bro slaps on the shoulder, wishing me a happy birthday.

Thank you all, really, but somehow, my heart still felt a little empty.

Not Baekhyun, it's not because of him. You don't even want to let him know.

I thought Zii would celebrate the remaining day with me but it turns out that she had already a date planned ahead with Jongdae. How could she!

Then again, she knew that Jake was going to celebrate it with me.

Now that we're talking about my brother, can I just mention how dense Zii is?

It's been 10 years! And she has not the slightest clue that Jake is still single because the one he liked all along was her!

I have failed my duty as a sister to help matchmake my brother but I promised myself not to get involved. Why? Because more than that, I want to keep both of them close to me for life.

We'll never know if things don't work out and end up being awkward, right? Plus, I know Zii's preference for guys all too well (aka that Kim Jongdae) to even try changing her mind to date a brother-like figure.

Jake had been bro-zoned since the start. Poor Jake... I hope he can still find someone as good as Zii. He's young, so anything's possible hehe.

I glanced down at the paper bag I hugged in my arms. It was Jake's birthday present for me. I had spent the past few hours just now with him, but an hour ago, he had given it to me and apologized for his departure tonight.

Out of all days... he was leaving for Paris tonight.

'I'll be back real soon again sissy, sorry, but happy birthday.'

Those were his words before we parted.

I let out a heavy depressing sigh. My birthday this year went well in the day, but when night came...I feel especially lonely.

Occasionally, I let a few smiles escape my lips as my mind fetched back the happy memories I had with Zii, the 2Million team and... Baekhyun.

Stop stop stop it Jas!

I shook the last thought off and constantly, almost every second, reminded myself not to think about it.

You said yes to dating him. Dating! But he hasn't been asking you out at all...

My sad eyes searched out of the window again and it took me a few good looks at the vicinity to realize I was about to miss my stop.

"AHJUSSHI!!" I yelled across the bus unglamorously, waving at him to let me get off.


The short walk home was unpleasant. Late night was when the cold breeze blew and my layer of fur coat was not enough to keep me warm. My survival instincts told me that jumping and hopping would help to ease the discomfort, but I still couldn't stop my teeth from chattering away.

And I certainly look like an idiot doing that.

Alas! I see my house a distance away!

But there was something more. At the streets of my house, I spotted a mystery figure loitering about. I stopped walking when I became cautious of the suspicion ahead. It looked like danger, so I began observing his every move. Then he spun around in my direction. I think he's looking at me!

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