Psycho •JeffMads•

339 15 8

⚠️Fucking trigger warning ⚠️

James sat in the tub waiting for Thomas. They bought a hotel room just to end their life's in, James seen Thomas enter the Bathroom with two guns. Before they did anything they decided to call their family and tell them they loved them and will always be in their hearts. James starred at Thomas and they were both scared, but what Thomas didn't know about James he was a psycho, even for the people he loved, he was sick. They both grabbed the gun and cocked it. They both held the guns to their heads but before they did James cut in.
James started aiming the gun at Thomas
"I love you" he closed his eyes and pulled the Trigger. When he opened his eyes it revealed Thomas with a bullet in between his eyes and blood running down his face. James got out the tub before Thomas blood would get on him. James carried the gun with him and walked out of the hotel room and walked to his car, he got in and started the car and drove off. For him it was a normal day.

My cousin wrote this small little thingy it's 🙏🏽
Word count: 206

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