Gang //1//

564 15 23

Bang... (kinda)

Alex and Phillip are friends in this, Alex isn't his father just because I can-


I gripped my book bag and continued to rush down the street, sweat dripping down my face. "Fuck fuck-" I bit down on my lip turning the corner spotting a coffee shop.

I let a sigh of relief out an turned around searching for the figure that was following me. I couldn't see him so I jetted to the shop splashing the puddles of water under my feet.

I grabbed the door and swung it open and rushed in walking over to the counter. It was pretty much empty. "L-Laurens thank god you're here" I smiled making my way over to the counter where the  freckles boy stood, he had a red apron on and a white shirt that said 'Hotcup'

"Hey Pip" he waved sitting up form his previous position. "What's up-" he hummed and turned around to the coffee machine. I leaned over the counter and laid my head down. "I think someone's following me"

"Oh-" he turned back around with a surprised look on his face. "Yea" I whispered looking up at him, he ran his hand through my curls and laughed. "I'll protect you?" He played with my hair for a moment before stretching out and walking around the counter over to me.

"Please do" I giggled and turned walking over to a booth and plopping myself down. I let out a quiet sigh as John sat down Infront of me.


"Scared" I frowned.

He reached over and placed his soft hand ontop of mine smiling. "It'll be ok it's probably just some creep looking for your number"

I went to say something but heard a slam on the glass for and loud panting mixed with sobbing. I snapped my head over to see Alexander who was leaning on the wall, his chest rising and falling in a fast pace, his breathing was off track too.

John shot up and raced over to him, he wrapped his arms around Alex with widened eyes. "Lexi?!"

I stood up and walked over kneeling down beside Alex who was now broken down on the floor curled up. "Alex what happened?!"

"lock the door!" He snapped and pretty much threw himself at John. I gulped and stood up locking it and staring out the window. I saw some moving figures for just a moment but blinked and they was gone.

I reached up and flipped the 'open' sign to closed. I looked back down at John who was cradling Alex trying to get up. I was gonna offer a hand but he eventually got up and carried alex over to the bar.

I skipped over and hopped in a stood watching as John sat Alex on the bar. "Alex, babe what happened?" John cried out and hugged his boyfriend close.

"V-vampire are real-! G-GOD- w-We have to H-HIDE!" He screamed and sobbed into Johns shoulder shaking violently. I've never seen him this way kinda scares me.

"Babe you know there's no such-"

John was planning on finishing his sentence but cut off by a loud bash and the sound of glass breaking. I flinched back and almost fell out of my seat as the glass shards flew everywhere.

"J-JOHN!" Alex screamed again. John blinked and turned around slowly. I did the same, there were several figure standing at the door. One was as  white as paper with white hair and red eyes, he also had a small crown on?

There was four more, one had dark dark black skin with white eyes, his hair was short, he was short, it was kinda cute until he hissed exposing long fangs. There was a super tall one with long fluffy black hair , his eyes was also pitch black with weird goo flooding from his eyes and laying on his gray skin.

The other one had dark black skin as well, with white eyes and white hair that was pulled back into a pony tail, he had the black goo like the last one.

The last figure had short curling black hair, he was wearing a gray shirt that said '1 2 3 4 5 6 7-'  which confused me. He had pitch black skin and red eyes, dark red eyes. His mouth dropped of blood down his neck.

I widened my eyes as it clicked in my head that they was the men terrorizing the town. John picked up Alex who sobbed into his shoulder shaking like before.  "PHILLP LETS GO" he held Alex close and began running for the back door.

I jumped up and raced towards them  but was quickly pulled back by my backpack strap. I squeaked and flailed a bit, there was a quiet hiss in my ear which scared the hell out of me.

I knew it was a warning tho so I relaxed against the body behind me. John and Alex stoped staring in horror. "L-LEAVE HIM ALONE" Alex screamed on Johns embrace his voice cracking.

"Get em boys"  the curly haired one said, he just so happened to be the one with his arms wrapped around me tightly.

I heard Alex scream his lunges out once  again, as he jumped from John and grabbed his boyfriends hand, his little sweaty hands slipped form Johns hands as he ran towards  the exit door  down the hall. I watched as the pale king like figure jumped over the counter. He pounced onto Alex knocking him down face first. Alex's head smacked against the ground and he went limp.

"ALEX!" I screamed but was shushed by the curly haired figure. I felt a sharp pain my my arm and looked down to see a syringe sticking out of it, I strolled up the syringe, up the gray skin and stared at the dark fluffy haired boy.

That's when my vision began to blur, and then darken,  I realized I was being  drugged and John was behind held down getting the same treatment.

I have no internet so  

Word count: 1023

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