Radio one's big weekend in Glasgow part 1

Start from the beginning

Tristan had been texting me a lot lately since he broke up with Summer and I’m not going to lie but every time I heard my phone go off with a text from him I got really excited like a child at Christmas, I have no doubts now that I am in love with Tristan Evans. I was shock out of my thoughts from a notification on my phone saying I had a text from Tristan

From Trissy Boy

Hey Lauren, just sent this to wish you and the band good luck at the festival and we will meet you when we arrive for a Nandos, Tris xx

To Trissy Boy

Hey Tris that sounds good and thanks for the luck we need all the luck we can get, he he, and since when did you start putting kisses at the end of your texts Lauren xx

I sent the text then went and sat down on the bed with Sara

“Tris just put two kisses at the end of his text to me just then and he never puts kisses at the end of texts” I said excitedly

“Ahhh it’s because he loves you” she replied

“I hope so” I looked at the time on my phone

“SHIT” I screamed

“What is it?” Brooke asked worriedly

“We are going to be late for sound check” the four of us grabbed our stuff and ran to Sally’s room, we knocked on the door a thousand times until she opened it, She had been out until one partying with some people she knew from island records, Sally told us to go without her so we ran down stairs and called for a taxis, it only took us about 10 minutes. When we arrived we ran to the stage where were performing on to do our sound check which took about an hour to get everything sorted, by the time we were done One direction had started their set so Brooke and Sara went charging off scared they were going to miss them.

*Skip to performance*

Sara and Brooke and just come back from one directions performance on the main stage and were super excited. I heard from the stage the band before us finish their last song and the butterflies came rushing into my stomach, the next thing I heard was please welcome to the stage Sunday Skyline, I was the first one to walk on to the stage and there were quite a lot of cheers from the crowd

“Hi we’re Sunday Skyline and we hope you enjoy this next song it’s called love song, so here goes” I announced to the crowd when everyone was one stage then looked at my band mates and gave them the signal to start

Head under water

 And they tell me to breathe easy for a while

 The breathing gets harder, even I know that

 Made room for me but it's too soon to see

 If I'm happy in your hands

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