Chapter 13

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The reactions to the movie were quite positive, I think. The boys were silent the entire time, the only other noise that wasn’t the movie was when I would hum along to a song or if Jemmy would cough. I tried my best not to sing but when it came to I See The Light, I full on sung along. I sang only Rapunzels part and left Eugenes. Some heads turned towards me and John whispered, “you really do have a lovely voice.” I could feel my face get warmer and knew that it was red. Philip was giving me a weird look and would look from the screen to me back and forth. I stopped singing when the song ended and leant against John to watch the rest of the movie.


As the movie ended, all of the boys gave it a round of applause. “I’m glad Gothel got what was coming for her,” Washington said with a nod.

“Rapunzels brown hair is so cute! I think I like it better than her blonde hair!” King George squealed and I nodded in agreement. John still had John The Turtle in his arms and I chuckled. “I think Johnny boy is tired,” I say, gently taking my pet back and chuckling at the pout that John The Human gave me. I gently put him in the terrarium and sit back down, “I don’t know about you but I’m going to have some candy.” I grab a bag of skittles that I bought and open them. I eat a few of the red ones, the best ones. Jefferson looks over at the bag, “what in the world are they?”

“Skittles,” I laugh and roll my eyes, showing him the bag that clearly had the name on the front. I heard Alex snicker and Thomas went a little red. “I knew that. I meant what do they taste like?”

“Try them for yourself,” I throw some of the less superior blue ones at him. Surprisingly, he manages to catch one of them in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “They are extremely sweet,” he pulled a face put continued to eat the ones scattered around him. Suddenly, everyone was taking some of the sweets from my bag and I laughed, “who knew you were such a trend setter Jeffybaby?” Alex, Laf, Herc, John and Philip all stopped taking the candies immediately and glared at Jefferson. I rolled my eyes and took a few of the red ones that were left.

“Hey (y/n)?” I hear Thomas say.

“Yes, Jeffybaby?” I look up at him and see that he has a smirk on his face.

“I have blue. You have red. Wanna make purple?” He winks at me and I almost choke on the Skittle I was eating.

“In your dreams man,” I laugh and see Philip send Thomas a death glare, I then look at Jemmy who was frowning slightly.

“My god Jeffershit, she’s 19!” Alex exclaimed after glancing at Philip.

Jefferson shrugged, “that means she’s legal.” I start coughing and John rubs my back gently.

“Can we stop talking about Thomas sleeping with me? ‘Kay cool,” I say after I finish coughing.

“Its his fault,” Alexander points to Jefferson who begins to say something before Washington butts in, “both of you shut up.” It worked and I sigh in relief.

“(y/n)?” Philip asks and I groan.

“If this is another quip about sleeping with me I’m going to put on another horror movie,” I deadpan, looking at him and he shook his head.

“I was just going to ask if you could do my hair. Its always so boring,” he pouted. A chorus of ‘mine too!’ went up and I laugh, “fine, fine. Just let me get my stuff.” I get up and walk into the bathroom, grabbing my hair straightener, curling iron, hair dryer, some hair bands and a spray bottle. All the things I use when doing my own hair.

I carry everything out in my arms and dump it on the couch, I then go over to the corner and plug in an extension cord. Sitting on the couch, I gesture for Philip to sit in front of me which he does quickly, a light red dusting over his face. I see all four revolutionaries smirk at him but I just roll my eyes, “so Pippy, what did you want me to do?” Philip shrugged and I thought for a bit before looking at Alex and John, a smirk of my own forming. “Say, you wouldn’t happen to be able to explain this, would you boys?” I pull Philip’s hair up into a ponytail, like John’s and laugh as both of their faces go bright red. Laf and Herc laugh as well. “Mon ami, do tell do tell!” Laf exclaimed as I let Philips hair back down. Alex stutters, for once not able to form a sentence. I roll my eyes with a smile and plug my straightener into the extension cord and put it on a magazine so that it won’t burn my couch. “I’m going to straighten your hair and maybe braid it, I don’t know yet,” I explain and Philip nods, a little hesitantly. “I call being next!” King George calls and I chuckle.

“Depends,” I play with Philip’s hair absentmindedly as I wait for the straightening iron to heat up, “if you can be nice and not privileged for the duration that I do Philip’s hair then I’ll consider it.” George huffs but nods, Sam hugs him but realises that I was still looking at them so he lets go quickly. I raise an eyebrow and give him a knowing look before getting angrily beeped at by my hair straightener. I begin to brush and separate Philips hair into sections, “Okay, while I do this you’re going to have to stay still so that you don’t get a third degree burn.” I hear him suck in a breath and nod slightly. I then start to slowly straighten his hair, section by section.

When I finish, I see Alex’s eyes widen slightly and Philip runs a hand through his hair nervously that I swat away. “Lemme get a mirror real quick,” I get out my phone and turn on the front facing the camera and them put it in front of him so he could see. He gasps and turns his head, looking at his hair from different angles, “its so different… thank you Star,” he grins at me through the camera and I get an idea. “Hey, look at the screen and smile,” I instruct and he does so, I smile and poke my tongue out, taking a photo. Philip turns to me, a little confused so I open the gallery and show him the photo. “Woah! That’s so cool!” he takes the phone from me and showed the others who hummed in amazement.

“You can all get a photo when I do your hair,” I chuckle and start to put Philips – now straight – hair into a small fishtail braid. I finish that and grab my phone, snapping another photo with him and then he moves to the side so I can continue with everyone else’s hair.

(A/N: Sorry for the sucky chapter! Please forgive me! This took me ages to write but I'm going to TRY and get a better upload schedule. I still hope you enjoy reading and please remember to vote, comment and share! It helps me alot!
~Ash xxx)

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