Chapter 10

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I groan loudly and hand my head off of the couch, “I can’t sleeeeeeep.” I hang half of my body off the couch and let my shirt hang down over my face. I slide onto the floor and stand up, groaning again. I move into the kitchen and turn on the coffee machine, “I guess I’ll stay up all night then.” I finish making my coffee and leave it black. Walking back into the living room, I turn on my Xbox on the way past and grab a controller. I sign in to my profile and click YouTube. CrankThatFrank is the first channel that catches my eye so I select that and look through his videos. I click on his Emo Crack series and start from the first video. Sipping on my coffee, I get ready for my long night.


A few hours later I decided to switch to watching some animation YouTubers. So far, I had gone through TheOdd1sOut and now I’m on to Jaiden Animations. I hear someone walk out into the room behind me. “Yees?” I say.

“Have you gotten any sleep? At all?” I hear James say.

“Not yet but I’ve got coffee so I’ll be fine,” I wave a hand, “what’s up?”

“I woke up with a cough and I wanted to know if I could have any of that medicine that you gave me before,” he says politely. I pause the video and get up.

“Of course James. Follow me,” I wave for him to follow and I lead him into the kitchen. I decide to take the time and get another cup of coffee. I grab the tablets for James and also give him a glass of water to swallow them with. I hand them over to him and he takes the pills gratefully. “Thank you (y/n), you’re too kind,” he smiles and leans against the bench. I take my new cup of coffee and smile back at him. I sip it gently and begin to walk back towards the couch. I hear James following so I turn towards him. “What are you watching?” he asks.

“Just some videos,” I reply, “this is a platform where people can make their own content and upload it to the internet so that others all around the world can watch and enjoy it.” James nods in slight confusion and begins to walk back to the room, “try and get some sleep (y/n). We don’t want you tired for the weekend now do we?” He smiles and leaves the room. I click play and begin to watch again.


Eventually, I look over at the clock and see that it was 7am. I get up and begin to make some cereal for myself. I slowly eat my cereal and skim over what I need to do today. Make the boys breakfast. Gather up commissions to send out. Take commissions to post office and post them. Go to a store and get some candy and other junk foody things. Come back and get the living room ready for the weekend. I nod to myself and look outside to see dark clouds covering the sky, “holy shit this storm is gonna be wicked,” I murmur to myself and hear a throat being cleared behind me. I turn and see Philip standing in the doorway. “Oh, good morning,” I say politely.

“I just wanted to let you know something about my father…” he begins and I hold up a hand.

“I know about the storm thing. It’s okay. I’ll handle it don’t worry,” I give him a smile.

“Why are you so nice to all of us?” he smiles and shakes his head, “you let us invade your life, live in your home and take your money and yet you still manage to be the nicest person ever.”

“I guess I just wanted to be the opposite of my parents,” I mumble, “they never let us have friends. Forced us to be mean to people so we could study. I hated it. When you guys came here, you didn’t have anything. If I kicked you all out, then you would have nowhere to go. No money. In a foreign country. I know what it feels like to be alone and I don’t want anyone else to feel that. If I can help it at least.” Its silent for a few moments before I feel arms around me. I look up to see Philip, he has his eyes closed and is just hugging me gently, “thank you (y/n).” I hug him back and then step away.

“It’s no problem Philip,” I smile at him and begin to clean up my empty cereal bowl. I then move around the kitchen and put bread and a knife in front of Philip on the counter. “Okay so since I need to go out, you get to make breakfast this morning!” I say overenthusiastically, “so it’s just a sandwich. Two slices of bread, there’s ham in the fridge. Bam, sandwich made. If the posh-ass royalty doesn’t want it then don’t give him anything.” He nods, and I smile at him, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

I tip-toe into my room and see Lafayette and Hercules cuddled together. “Awww,” I whisper, “cute.” I quietly grab some clothes and exit the room before going to the bathroom to get changed. Soon enough, I had gotten dressed, grabbed my commissions and was out the door. I decide to take my car and head out to do my errands.

Third Person P.O.V

After you left, Philip sat in the kitchen, thinking about what you had said. Her parents sound awful, he thought to himself, feeling sorry for the way you had been forced to grow up. He left the room and walks back to the bedroom to see his father awake. “Good morning dad,” he says with a slight yawn. Alex had a slight look of anxiety on his face, “good morning son. Ready for another day in this different era?” He tried to play it off with a smile, but Philip wasn’t having it.

“Dad, I know what today is. Are you ready? (Y/n) said it wasn’t going to be so bad. Especially with this new architecture,” he tried to comfort his dad’s worries.

“I know Philip. (Y/n) is a very sweet girl. Her origins are very unfortunate,” Alex says.

“Yeah, she is very nice to us. She left to do some things this morning and will be back later. She told me to make you guys sandwiches for breakfast,” Philip explains.

“You really like her, don’t you?” Alex smiles and ruffles his son’s hair.

“Dad! It’s not like that,” he replies, his face slightly red.

“Alright Philip,” his father states, “if you say so. Now, let’s go make breakfast before everyone wakes up.”

(A/N: *SCREECH* I'm sorry for the crappy chapter! This one took me ages to write because it's just a filler! Filler chapters are hard 😂 There should be another chapter uploaded soon! Thank you all for reading! You all have gotten me over 2k reads and I couldn't be happier!!
Remember to vote, comment, share and do all that fun stuff! Thank you all again!
-Ash xx)

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