Chapter 25

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"Dayna?" Tanner gasped at the sudden appearance of his girlfriend "What are you doing here?"

"I came in here for a latte and then I see you here" she frowned when she noticed Autumn "And with her."

"We're just hanging out" he assured when he noticed that Autumn was already starting to show signs on anxiety.

"And you didn't bother to tell me?" she scowled.

"I don't tell you everything" he stated in a frown.

"Well don't you think I have the right to know when you're going off with some chic behind my back?"

"Would you stop that?" he ordered, getting more frustrated by the second "We're just friends."

It killed him to say that, but he had to get Dayna to leave.

"How the hell could you be friends with her?" she pointed to Autumn "All she does is act emo and doesn't know anything about life, she has to get her own."

At that moment Tanner noticed that Autumn's lips were beginning to quiver as she kept her head down. Seeing her this way made his blood began to boil as he stared Dayna in the eye.

"That's it" he declared "Get out."

"As if" she doubted "You can't tell me what to do."

"Well you can't tell me who I shouldn't hang out with" he snapped "If I wanna hang out with Autumn then I wanna hang out Autumn, and if you have a problem with that then deal with it."

"What do you think I'm doing?" she snapped back "I am dealing with it, this girl is an absolute pile of nothing, you hear me, nothing. I bet she's never had a friend in her life, and why would she? She shuts people out, her nose is always in that notebook of hers, she's always wearing the same stupid hoodie, and she not even good with her makeup."

Tanner clenched his fists and tightened his lip when he noticed that Autumn was doing the same thing.

"Although now that I think of it-" Dayna put in in a taunting tone "There isn't a point making fun of her, because it's just gonna take her the rest of the night to figure it out with that brain of hers."

"Shut up" they suddenly heard Autumn growl, Tanner couldn't believe what he was seeing, even Max seemed a bit surprised.

"Oh, would you look at that" Dayna snickered at Autumn "It speaks."

"You know just because I don't speak at school doesn't mean I'm deaf" Autumn scowled "I hear every little thing you say when you're near and you think no one's listening. In fact, a couple of days ago I heard you talking about how annoying Tanner's sister is."

"What?" Tanner gasped as he turned to Dayna "You gossip about Ally behind my back?!"

"Well she is annoying as hell" she ranted as he felt his anger rise.

But she just ignored him as she went back to Autumn, and at that time everyone in the cafe had their attention turned to them.

"Let me tell you this Autumn" she scowled "If you're not deaf, then can you hear this? Kiss my ass."

At that point, Autumn's face was completely red as she slammed her hands on the table and sprang up from her seat.

"I'd shove my foot up your ass" she snapped at her.

"I'd love to see you try" Dayna snickered.

"I would, but that'd be animal abuse."

"Oh..." Max grinned as everyone including Tanner gave surprised chuckles.

Never once had Tanner heard Autumn give such a nasty comment. And by the look of Dayna's face, she was clearly shocked as well, but that didn't stop her from fighting back.

"Where did you learn to say that?" she smirked "The internet? Do you search up comebacks on the internet because you're too empty minded to come up with ones on your own?"

"At least I'm not empty-hearted like you" Autumn frowned "And no, I did not search that one up."

Tanner couldn't help but snicker, Autumn was handling Dayna surprisingly well.

"You know what your problem is?" Dayna ranted "You act like you're some special needs girl who needs special attention because you're too useless in this world. You wanna know why you've been friendless you're whole life? It's because no one wants to be friends with a retard."

Autumn's face suddenly changed from anger to grief, and at that moment Tanner knew she was in trouble.

"You don't like that word huh?" Dayna smirked "Well too bad, because it's who you are. You've always been a retard, and you always will be one."

"Dayna that's enough!" Tanner demanded while springing up from his seat.

Autumn was already on the verge of tears, and he wasn't gonna let Dayna hurt her.

"Shut up Tanner!" she snapped ignoring his order while keeping her focus on Autumn "I mean look at you, you gonna cry you big baby? Do it, show everyone how weak you really are."

"Fuck you" Autumn growled as a tear rolled down her cheek as she clenched her fists hard that they started to turn red.

"There's that tear" Dayna sneered "I knew it. Once a weakling, always a weakling."

Once he saw the tears in Autumn's eyes, Tanner knew enough was enough.

"Okay that's it" he declared to Dayna "You know what Dayna? I was gonna wait until you recover from your grandfather to break up with you, but now that I think of it, I can't wait any longer, we're done."

Ooohs filled the cafe as Dayna just give a snicker.

"I'm sorry" she played dumb with a fake smile "What?"

"You heard me" Tanner scowled "We're done."

"Oh no," she snickered "You can't break up with me."

"I just did, and boy did it feel good."

At that point, Dayna's fake smile turned into a frown as she tightened her lips while her eyes turned colder. And without having a chance to move, Tanner felt her hand go across his cheek in a hard loud slap as everyone gasped and Autumn jumped back in shock.

"Did that feel good?" Dayna sneered as Tanner placed his hand on his now red cheek as he looked her in the eye.

"It was worth it" he scowled while feeling the burn.

"Whatever, you were becoming lame anyway, but not as lame as her."

"Just leave her alone" he ordered while gritting his teeth.

"Why should I? Someone has to show the world what a mistake she was to be even made. And if she doesn't want to continue suffering, she might as well kill herself."

At that moment Autumn burst into tears before storming out of the cafe.

"Autumn!" Tanner called out as he turned to Dayna now madder than ever "Go fuck yourself."

And with that he ran out of the cafe and after the only girl he liked.

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