Chapter 3

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The end of the school day was a relief for everyone as they trotted out of school. But even though Tanner was glad to be out of school, he still had homework to do, homework on the first day of school, what a way to end the day. After driving up to his home and parking the car, he made his way inside his house where he saw his 9-year-old sister Allison watching TV in the living room.

"Hey Ally" he greeted.

"Hey Tanner" she greeted back while keeping her eyes on the TV "Why are you home later?"

"It's only 4:25. But when you get into high school, it usually ends later than other schools."

"Well that sucks for you" she giggled as he rolled his eyes while making his way up the stairs.

"Hey I got homework to do," he told his sister "So don't bother me unless it's an emergency."

"You got homework on the first day of school-" she sneered "Okay it sucks more for you."

"Hey, you're next" he pointed out before jogging up the stairs and into his room.

Once inside, Tanner tossed his backpack onto his bed as he rolled into his desk chair and turned on his computer. He figured he'll do his homework later and needed a break from school, but he might as well take it out to remind himself. His mom wouldn't be back till 6 so it was just him and Allison for now. But being the sister that she was, Allison preferred doing her own things so Tanner was usually by himself, which didn't bug him as he surfed on the web.

But while he was doing so, he suddenly thought about Autumn, wondering more about her, he decided to look her up on social media. But on all the social media he knew, he couldn't find a single trace of her, not even on Facebook. Thinking that she must be too shy for social media, he shrugged it off as he got started on his homework, putting Autumn to the side.

Tuesday morning, the second day of school, Tanner went to the school library to pick up his textbook. Another reason he hated school, making him get textbooks he barely uses. When he approached the library, he noticed that the staff with the textbooks weren't ready, wondering why, he looked at the clock and saw the time, realizing he was a bit early and they haven't opened up yet. So in order to pass time for the next 5 minutes, he decided to chill in the lounge and wait.

But as he headed into the lounge area, he looked up and spotted Autumn sitting at a table and writing in a little notebook. She always seemed to be either reading or writing, perhaps it was her hobby. But since she was here and sitting by herself, Tanner figured it would be a good time to talk to her as he went up to her.

"Hey Autumn" he greeted with a friendly smile.

She looked up at him, but then quickly looked back down as she stopped writing while covering her notebook with her body.

"I'm sorry am I bothering you?" he asked holding his hand up.

She said nothing as she avoided eye contact while nervously biting her lip and twitching her fingers. Knowing the signs of anxiety, Tanner took a step back.

"Sorry-" he apologized "I'll leave you alone."

And with that, he got up and walked off, but taking a glace behind as he watched her run her fingers through her hair and pause on the sides of her head while taking deep breaths. How could someone get anxiety from someone talking to them?

During gym class, a class that Tanner didn't mind, after changing into their gym clothes, Tanner explained to Max what happened with Autumn in the library.

"So she just ignored you and got anxiety?" he questioned a bit confused.

"Well, that's what it seemed like" Tanner shrugged as they strolled into the gymnasium "I mean she was avoiding eye contact, she was hovering over her notebook, and she was twitching her fingers. I don't understand how someone could have anxiety just by someone talking to them."

"Are you even sure it was anxiety? Maybe that's what shy people do?"

"I don't think so, I've seen shy people, but none like her. She's more like, anxiously shy. I've never seen anything like it."

Most shy people tend to avoid eye contact and at least say hi back whenever someone talks to them, but they don't usually twitch like Autumn, at least that's what Tanner knew.

"Maybe she has social anxiety" Max suddenly guessed.

"Perhaps" Tanner agreed.

"And maybe the way she acted was a sign that she doesn't want to talk to you or anyone. And in my opinion, I think you should follow that, it's clear that she doesn't want to interact with people, and if she wants to be alone then I suggest you do so."

He sighed "Maybe you're right. Although, I kinda at least want to know a bit about her, like how did she become who she is?"

"Well, didn't she move here during Freshman year?" Max put in.

"I think so."

"Well maybe something happened in her old town and that's why she's like that. Unless she's always been like that, then, in that case, you may never know the truth."

Tanner gave another sigh, wondering if Autumn has always been who she is, or something caused it.

"Although I gotta ask-" Max suddenly said "Why are you suddenly so interested in her? You've known her since Freshman year and yet how come now you want to know about her?"

"I don't know-" Tanner replied a bit confused himself "I guess it's just- I've never seen anyone so mysterious before. I didn't think about it before, but now, I kinda wanna know the truth. It's like watching those crime shows, you get hooked on them and you have to know the truth."

"Well, I don't know what to say about that. But, don't like, stalk her or anything."

"Relax-" Tanner grinned "I'm not a creep. I'll talk to her when the time's right. Well, that is, if she wants to talk to me."

"Believe me, you won't want to talk to you. Once again, she doesn't talk to anyone."

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