Chapter 17

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After getting everything settled with their assignments out, the two took their seats on Autumn's bed and began their assignment. Everything was going well so far, they managed to complete a whole paper of questions and more of the book. And since Autumn had already read the book and knew the story more, she was able to help Tanner on certain parts.

"You know you make this assignment so much easier," he remarked as she gave a small laugh.

"Well, it'd be easier for you too in the future if you pay attention and actually do the work" she advised with a side smirk.

"Right" he agreed while biting his lip, hoping that he'll remember the advice.

After a while, they managed to complete most of the assignment, leaving them extra time before dinner.

"So is being organized a symptom of Asperger's?" Tanner wondered while sitting on her rolling chair at her desk.

"It's one of them" she answered still on her bed "Plus I'm just an organized person."

"You should see my room," he remarked with a slight chuckle "It's a disaster area."

"So is my sister's" she put in with a giggle.

"So, have you decided which college you're planning on going to?"

"I have some ideas, but I haven't decided yet. I'm just hoping I'll find the best one that's closer to home."

At that moment, he began to wonder. Is going to college really the best idea for an Aspie? Considering that they can't handle change.

"Do you think you can handle college?" he questioned, "You know since you'll be moving out from your home and into a dorm."

"I was afraid at first" she admitted in a sigh "I mean I get that it's a big change, but I have to grow up and do it. I mean once I turn 18 tomorrow, I'll pretty much be an adult, although I know I wont feel like one."

"Well that's why you gotta keep trying. Now I know it's a big change, it's a big change for all of us. But we gotta do it, that's life."

"I know" she sighed disappointed "I just don't know how I'm gonna do it."

"Well lucky for you, you got me to teach you everything. Now I don't know everything about college, but I do know how to survive being away from home, and dealing with people, especially those I don't like."

She gave a quick snicker as he continued.

"So if you have any questions about growing up and things like that, I'll be happy to answer them for you, that is if I know them."

Like always she gave her bashful smile that made Tanner's heart skip a beat. And even though she wont say it, he knew she was glad to have someone like him be there for her.

"What about you?" she suddenly asked, "Do you know what college you wanna go to?"

"Well right now I got my eye set on the University of Oregon, but I may change my mind later."

"What are you planning on majoring in?"

"Well at the moment I'm thinking about film making."

"Oh that's cool" she commented in a smile "Have you made any videos yet?"

"Just a few, but they're not really that good, I'm still learning about editing and things like that."

"Well keep practicing, you'll get better."

At that moment, Tanner noticed Autumn's notebook sticking out of her backpack, the one that she uses to write stories and poems in. Now that he knew she trusted him, he decided to test it out by asking her the questioned he had asked her before.

"Hey uh-" he began to say "Can I finally read one of your stories or poems?"

She hesitated for a moment, looking rather nervous before finally answering.

"I never usually share my stuff with others" she stated, "Although, I guess I can show you one of my poems."

He watched as she pulled her notebook out from her backpack and began flipping through the pages. And by the looks of the many pages she's flipped through, Tanner could see how much she's already written in it.

"You can read this one" she handed him the notebook and pointed to the page with the poem as he began to read it.

To my future husband, if you truly love me, you know I love writing poems. And this one is for you.

Whoever you are, you are the greatest

My life was dull and full of unseen demons

But then you walked in and slayed them away

I thought I could never love

I thought I would never find it

But you proved me wrong

You showed me the world outside my shell

You taught me to open my heart

The same heart which now belongs to you

Just as yours belong to me

My love for you will forever stay strong

I will always be there for you like you are to me

You will soon see me in the white dress

We will soon take each others hands

And declare our love for the future

Whoever you are, know that I love you

I love you even when I can't say it

I love you even when I don't show it

But you could see it through the shield

You can see the love that inside of me

The love I've been fighting to get out

To show you that I really do love and care for you

Because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me

And I can't wait for you to hold me in your arms

To laugh at your jokes

To care when you're sick

To always be there during the rough times

And to tell you that I love you

Always and forever till death do us apart

Tanner was frozen with astonishment after reading the poem. He could feel his heart beating with a feeling he couldn't quite understand and chills running through his body. Something about the poem made him feel drawn to it.

"Whoa" he breathed "That was deep, I actually got chills."

Autumn gave a small giggle "I really am saving that poem for my future husband."

"Well I gotta say Autumn, you're pretty romantic when it comes to writing."

"It is what I do best at" she smirked.

He gave a small chuckle as he looked back at the poem. He couldn't take his eyes off of it, it was like he wanted to keep it. To read it everyday, and to melt by it.

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