Chapter 11

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Throughout the car ride, Tanner noticed that Autumn was really quiet, whenever he would take glances at her, she would always be resting her chin in her palm while looking out the window.

"Why are you so quiet?" he asked.

"Oh uh-" she replied a bit shyly "I don't really know what to say."

"I assume it's because you don't like starting conversations."

"Pretty much" she shrugged as he chuckled.

"That's okay if you don't have anything to say, you don't have to talk. But I must warn you, I'm quite the talker, so expect a lot of me blabbering."

"And I thought girls love to talk" she smirked as he chuckled again.

"And yet you don't talk" he put in as she gave a small giggle.

Now in the town park, after parking the car, the two got out and examined the area. Neither of them has been to the park in a while, and since fall was getting close, the leaves were about to turn all fall colors and would soon be on the ground, creating a beautiful fall scene.

"You like going to the park?" Tanner suddenly asked.

"I haven't been here in a while-" she responded while looking around "I don't really get out much."

"So you're always in your house? Even when you're free and don't have school?"

"Pretty much" she shrugged "Unless I really have to go somewhere."

"Well today, it's time to get out, and have some fun" he smiled "Come on."

Now strolling down the sidewalk, the two admired the park as they watched the people walk, talk, and play. And when Tanner took a glance at Autumn, he noticed that she seemed in the zone while examining the park. Her eyes seemed to be more focused on the people as she watched them do their things. Every once in a while, he would wonder what was going on in her head, and how she sees the world differently.

"You wanna sit?" he suddenly spoke while pointing to a nearby bench.

"I guess" she shrugged as they took a seat on the bench.

Now that they were at a place where they could talk, Tanner could finally talk to her and hope that nothing would ruin their conversation.

"So-" began to say "Tell me about yourself."

 She gave a small smile while tucking her hair behind her ear "What do you wanna know?"

"Anything. Why don't you start from the beginning? Like where are you from?"

"Okay-" she began to think while tapping her finger on her thigh "Well um... I was born in Salem Oregon, I lived there for about 4 years, but then my family and I had to move to another town, and same thing years later."

"Where have you lived?"

"Well we move around a lot, we mostly try to stay in Oregon, but then my dad got a job here so here we are."

"How many times have you moved?"

"I don't know" she sighed "But no matter where we move, we just can't stay in one spot. And my dad always tells me that I'll make new friends, but you know the story of how I became friends with the wrong people."

"Damn-" he breathed a bit surprised "It must suck to move."

"You have no idea" she sighed again "We also may be moving after I finished high school."

"What?" he gasped.

"We don't know where yet, but my dad said it should be the last time we're moving."

Even though he just met her, he didn't want her to move as soon as their Senior year was over. But with nothing to say to get her to stay in their town, he just went with it.

"Well when you move, you gotta text me okay?" he put in with a small smirk.

"We'll see about that" she smirked back.

Now that he knew she would most likely be moving by the end of the school, Tanner began to wonder if this would do anything to their started friendship. Remembering that she had lost friendships before, he began to fear if the same thing will happen to them once she moves.

"So do you like it here?" he asked.

"Yeah it's nice, I'm just sick of moving. If we hadn't moved from the beginning, my life would have been easier because in the town I was born in, I had a lot of friends. But then we were kids so it was easy for us to make friends, but ever since I moved, we haven't been in touch."

"Have you tried to get in touch with them?"

"I don't have their numbers. When we were kids we didn'texchanged phone numbers because we didn't have cells then."

"Oh right."

"But even if I did-" she mumbled "I wont be the same as it used to be. I was a really weird kid before I found out about my disability, but my friends didn't care. But now that we're older, I don't think they'll accept me."

"What do you say that?"

"Because I've had experience" she frowned "When I found out about my Apsergers, I told my 'friends', and they gave this weird look that made me really uncomfortable, and they didn't talk to me the rest of the year."

"Shit" he breathed in shock "Those bitches."

"I just want to finish high school and get on with my life-" she sighed "Because once I get into college, all I have to worry about is my major."

"But, don't you wanna have friends?"

"What do you think?" she frowned.

"Well by the tone of your voice I'm guessing no?"

She sighed "Sorry. Of course, I want friends, more than anything, but once again, I have a hard time maintaining them so I always loose them. The thing is, I'm always by myself so I'm not used to having friends."

"I understand, but that's why I'm here to help. I read that Aspergers need help with social skills, and that's exactly what I'm going to help you with."

"Good luck with that" she doubted "No matter how many times my parents send me to some social skills class, it never works."

"Well I'm going to make it work" he declared "Watch me."

She rolled her eyes while giving a small smile.

"But until then-" he added when he spotted a hot dog stand "How about a hot dog? My treat."

"Well since you're paying-" she smirked "Sure."

He gave a chuckle as they made their way to the stand. He read online that people with Aspergers tend to be funny, but even if she didn't have Aspergers, he knew she was funny just the way she was.

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