How Could You? (Part 3 2/3)

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Shi couldn't feel anything. She couldn't see or hear anything. She just felt...tired. And heavy. She wanted to sleep... She felt so scared...


Ghirahim slammed the door to the office open, his face full of fear and his hair a mess as he ran inside.

"Where the fuck is my daughter!?" he shouted.

"Mr. Akuma!" the doctor exclaimed. "Please, come in. They brought her in about a half hour ago-"

"Is she alive?" he asked the man.

"Yes, but you must understand sir. The bullet entered just above her hip and got lodged in her-"

"Can I see her, please?" he begged.

The doctor stared at the pleading demon, sympathy being his first thought as he saw just how disheveled and unprepared he was for this.

"Of course, but know that the wound was already infected when she showed up and-"

But Ghirahim would not give him any time as he raced through the halls of the hospital and went into his daughter's room. He stared at her in shock, the stench of blood in the room worrying him more than he thought possible.

"Shi..." he whimpered weakly as he approached her on the operating table.

Shi looked over at her father with a smile. "P-Pa... I did ex-exactly as you said, Pa, I held my head up high."

"Shh, I know. I know," he assured her.


"Shh, I know. I know. You did everything just right," he smiled back.

"Even before we go-got to ten, I was aiming for the sky-"

"I know, I know," he repeated, now holding her closer to him.

"I was aiming for the sk-sky," she told him, grasping his hand in hers.

"I know, shh, I know. Just save your str-strength and stay ali-"

"No!" a sudden shout filled the room.

Ghirahim turned around to see Link standing there, horrified as he raced to their daughter's side.

"Link? I-" the demon began, but Link did not care for Ghirahim at the moment as he was only concerned for the well being of the girl they had raised.

"Is she breathing? Is she going to survive this?" he asked before turning to the demon, his eyes now filled with tears that flowed freely down his face. "Who did this Ghirahim!? Did you know about any of it!?"

"Dad, I'm so sorry for forgetting what you taught me," Shi breathed, apologizing to her father for forgetting how to count. The two had done it in French, Spanish, and English. She believed she had counted wrong since Chienne shot her earlier than she anticipated.

"Shi..." Link whispered, grabbing his child's hand from Ghirahim as he sat next to her.

"I remember us playing piano," she told him.

"Yes, Shi, I taught you how to play," Link responded, a sad smile etched across his face.

"You'd put your hands on mine..."

"And you'd change the melody every single time..."

Shi chuckled at this before violently coughing, blood going everywhere across the table and some on Link's face, but the blond didn't care at the moment.

"I would always change the line," Shi repeated, only for her father to shush her. "I'd always change the line..."

Link tightened his grasp on her hand, which was now turning colder by the second. He could see it in her eyes that she was terrified. She didn't want to die. So he did the only thing he knew would calm her down...

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huif, neuf," he sang before Shi began to repeat after him.

"-Six, sept, huif, neuf."

"Good," he smiled. "Un, deux, trois, quatre-"

"Un, deux, trois..." Shi sang, her eyes falling as she began to grow tired. She could not go on singing...

"-Cinq, six, sept, huif, neuf," Link finished, his eyes widening as he realized his daughter was no longer moving.

Her face was pale, and her hands felt cold compared to his own. Her face didn't seem to respond to the light around them. He shook violently as he tried counting again.

"Sept, huif, neuf," he repeated. "Sept, huif-"

Tears soon exploded out of his eyes and Link came to the conclusion that she had just died. And in that instant, Link let out an ear piercing cry as he collapsed onto Shi's corpse, sobbing in her chest as he held onto her tightly and praying for her to come back. Ghirahim sat silently next to him and tried to hold Link's hand to comfort him. Link only pulled away however as he continued to sob on their child's body, and Ghirahim just sat there...

How could he have let this happen?

To be concluded...~


One last part to go. Well, I hope you enjoyed this!

Song is also by Miranda. Why is Act 2 so fucking sad!? Fuck!

See you next time!

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