Happy Holidays!

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Hey guys! Author-chan here! This is just a quick little holiday special. I hope you enjoy!


Link stared at the door, taking a nervous gulp as he reached outward to knock, his present for Zelda held with his other arm. He had never been to a Christmas party before. Especially not one where there were villains everywhere. Zelda managed to convince him to attend the party, and the blond shivered in fear at the mention of inviting their enemies. He could only imagine the pissed off look on their faces.

The hero took a deep breath. No. He could do this. He was the kingdom's hero! Why was he so afraid of a little party?

The blond straightened up, his chest puffed out, and confidently knocked on the door. Not too long after it was opened, but not by who he expected it to be.

"Hello there, Skychild."

Link froze at the demon's mocking tone, all of his courage and confidence disappearing in that moment. He tilted his head upwards, considering he was relatively shorter than the other, and gave a nervous smile.

"Oh, um-um... Hello, Ghirahim," he said, trying to find some sort of way to cover up his stutter when he noticed the demon lord's Christmas sweater. It was black with red stitching that said 'Eat Me Like Gingerbread' and white stitching at the sleeves and collar.

"You look...festive."

"Oh, why thank you!" the demon replied. "It was a gift from my beloved master!"


"Anyway, just come inside already! It's freezing out here!" Ghirahim exclaimed, stepping to the side for the blond to enter the house before calling out to Zelda.

"Oh Spirit Maiden! Your little hero has arrived!"

Link walked into the house and was immediately tackled by the princess. The blonde giggled as she greeted her beloved friend, hugging him as if her life depended on it. Not that the hero minded of course.

The two pulled apart and smiled at one another.

"Welcome, Link!" Zelda exclaimed, grabbing the hero by the arm and dragging him to the other room with Ghirahim close behind. "Come this way. Everyone's been waiting!"

Link was dragged into the living room, or what he assumed to be the living room, and smiled at all the familiar faces (and panicking at the rest). There sat his friends: Impa, Lana, Fi, Ravio and Midna. Then there were his enemies...

In the far corner was Ganondorf, whom Ghirahim immediately ran to in hopes of keeping Zant away (who was in his knees as if he were praying). Talking to Lana was Cia, along with Midna and Impa. It looked like the whole gang was there...

"Okay guys," Zelda announced. "It's time for Secret Santa! Everyone, exchange your presents!"

Link smiled at this and happily handed the present over to Zelda. The blonde smiled, thanking the hero, and opened it. Inside was a wooden harp the blond made himself.

"Thank you Link!" Zelda smiled, hugging her friend. "This is awesome!"

Everyone else exchanged their gifts. Ganondorf received a pair of mittens from Zelda, Zant got a fun new hat from Lana, Cia received a bunch of romance novels from Midna, and Ghirahim got a new spandex and cape from Impa. As for Link's friends, Impa received a new sword from Ganondorf, Lana received a new book of spells from Cia, Fi received books on human phycology from Ravio (who received some rupees from the sword spirit), and Midna got a pack of makeup. The only person who had yet to receive a gift was Link. This left the blond to wonder what gift he'd receive, and from who.

Everyone in the room glanced at one another with grins.

"Hey Ghirahim," Midna said. "Where's your gift for Link?"

Ghirahim was his Secrets Santa? The hero felt tense as he fathomed what the demon lord could have possibly gotten him. The demon in question, on the other hand, smirked as he casually strolled over to Link.

"If he looked up then it'd be easier to give it to him."

Link was confused by this, but looked up nonetheless. He felt himself blush at what he saw.

Sheero was floating above them, a mistletoe hanging in the bird's claws over him and the demon lord. But before Link could react, Ghirahim already smashed their lips together in a passionate kiss.

After they pulled apart, the hero hid his face inside his sweater in embarrassment. Everyone laughed at Link's flustered reaction, especially Ghirahim.

The rest of the party was a complete success.


Happy Holidays everybody! And Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoyed this one.

See you guys later!

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