The Grandest Performance

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Today was the day of the concert, and the band was ready for it. Mark and Jack woke up feeling determined and nervous all at once, giving each other knowing looks once they faced each other. They packed the rest of their things, Chica and their instruments included, and walked out the door to find Tyler and Ethan standing with the same looks. The only words that were spoken was "Ok, let's do this" by Mark. They headed to the rehearsal hall where they would meet Amy and Signe, along with Bob and Wade who noted that they were gonna accompany their friends there and then get front row seats.

Once the group made it to the rehearsal hall, the other four met them once they walked inside, looking eager and anxious all at once with the rest of their colleagues. "Is everything ok?" Mark asked, slightly concerned.

"We just wanted to say that we're all really proud of you guys" Amy stated.

"Yea, and we're really happy you found something you love doing" Wade followed. "And we can't wait to see you guys kill that stage" everyone grinned.

The band was left smiling and slightly flustered before Bob chimed in. "She told us about the songs you four are using tonight" he stepped closer, looking directly at Mark. "Those ones meant a lot to you guys, you sure about this?" he asked knowing how big a step this was and didn't want his best friend to jump straight into it without any thought.

Mark averted his gaze and let out a sigh before responding. "Yea, I'm sure" Bob gave him a smirk and a nid in return, feeling proud of his pal.

"So, are you guys ready?" Signe smiled, looking straight at her boyfriend when she did and received a smile in return.

"Yeah, we are" Jack nodded.

"Alright, let's go" Amy ordered.

"Here we go guys!" Ethan cheered.

"Let's do this" Tyler added and the group followed their friends to the bus, one that Amy got as their official tour band bus.

While on the bus, as they neared the stadium that was soon to hold their concert, the group discussed how excited they were as well as nerves. They made sure they remembered the order of their songs, ques, notes, etc. They talked about the importance of tonight, how much it meant to them and how much, after tonight, things were gonna change for everyone, especially them.

They made it to the stadium and began setting up all of their equipment. When all of that was finished, they went ahead and did a little more rehearsing, wanting to make sure they got everything right. Also, of course, they needed sound and light checks which didn't take as long as they thought. Now that all of that was done, they spent the rest of the day to themselves, enjoying each other's company as the day progressed and drew closer and closer to the moment when they would share the biggest spotlight they had ever stepped in.

"You know, I'm really glad you and Jack have already found ur significant others" Ethan stated. "Because after tonight, there will only be more for us" he smugly grinned, receiving a chuckle and a high five from Tyler.

"Of course, you always were a little man-whore waiting for ur daddy to come back" Mark joked back, receiving "oohh's" from the other two as Ethan clutched his heart, faking heart and leaning back till he was flat on the floor.

"Hey easy Mark, he's only my bitch" tyler added and the group bursted out laughing, including Ethan who looked as though he was tryna be angry but couldn't.

"Hey you" Amy said from behind as she knelt down and wrapped her arms around the singer.

"Well hello to you too" Mark smiled as he held the wrist on his torso.

"You doing ok?" she asked.

"Oh yea, definitely" he nodded. "How bout you?"

"Honestly, I might be even more nervous than you guys" she chuckled.

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