Mark's hidden Talent

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The next day, Mark and Jack were back in their dorm room after their classes, contemplating the different things they may wanna do in their newly found search for a better life. They tried to discuss the many different things they have wanted to do so far but never had the chance or had something holding them back from it, as well as the many things that make them happy and curtain things they may wanna accomplish.

"Come on Mark, surely there's gotta be something you've always wanted to do" the irishman pointed out in a very blatant way. "Even something small"

Mark took a minute to think about something he's always wanted to do. Since jack said it could even be something small, he had a random thought and said, "I've always wanted to dye my hair"

"No way! So have I!" he enthusiastically shouted, causing mark to laugh. "What color?"

"Oh I don't know, there's lots I've wanted to do. Pink. blue, red, what about you?"

"I'm more of a pickle head myself" he laughed, but mark just gave him a confused look. "I like green hair" he added and then his roommate understood. "And any variation of green too, light, dark and everything in between. Just any really" he shrugged.

"Same here, we should dye em at the same time when we can" mark smirked. 

"Sounds good" he nodded in agreement. "Anything else?"

Mark had to take another second to think. "What I've really, always, wanted was another dog" he smiled. "I love dogs, and I haven't had any in a long time and I miss it a lot" he stated with a smile. "I would give....pretty much anything to have one again" jack was reflecting the same smile mark had as he listened. "What about you? Anything else that makes you happy?"

"Uh....well" he shrugged, seeming hesitant and a little embarrassed. "I mean I do have this one hobby that I thoroughly enjoy, it's ju-" he looks at the clock on his bedside, "Oh shite, I'm gonna be late again" he said as he stood from the desk chair and grabbed his bag. "I'll meet you for lunch, we'll continue then" he briefed before leaving.

"Alright, I'll see you then" he nodded and after jack left, he took a few minutes on his bed to think more about what he wanted. He also wondered what it was Jack was about to inform him about, that hobby he enjoyed so much. Mark looked over at the clock on the bedside and knew he had to get to class too. He could just wait till lunch to ask him about it.


Just as planned, Mark and Jack headed to the campus cafe for lunch. "So what is that hobby you were about to tell me?" mark asked as they walked. 

"Oh yea that, uh it's just something I've always thought was cool and did for a while, and still do here and there. I thought about doing it as a profession, but..."

"Mark?" they heard someone call. They turned to see a tall curly haired man and a younger student walk up to em, they looked to be around the same age as them. "Is that you?" the taller man asked again.

"Tyler?" mark asked shocked. "Ethan?

"H-hey" tyler and ethan smiled as they greeted their old friend. 

"This is so great, I had no idea you guys went here!" mark cheered.

"Yea we just started actually" ethan replied.

"Cool, so did we" now realizing jack was still there. "Oh, um this is my roommate-"

"Jack!" ethan cheered.

"Ethan!" he smiled back. "How've you been man?!" he excitedly asked.

"I've been good"

"Woah wait a minute" mark cut in. "How do you two know each other?"

The Youtube rock with Markiplier and Jacksepticeyeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें