Forming the band

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After Mark and Jack got home, Mark texted Tyler and Ethan to meet up tomorrow so they could break the news. They were back at Mark and Jack's dorm room as the two proposed the idea of forming a band.

"No freakin way!" ethan laughed from astonishment.

"Ur serious?" tyler asked.

"Hell yea we are" mark nodded. "I'm lead singer and guitarist, Ty ur bass, Ethan does that piano thing of his and both of you make great backup singers and Jack here is the drummer we've been waiting for" he eagerly stated. "I mean it's perfect, this has everything that we've wanted to do, there's no better way to go really"

There was a brief pause as Tyler and Ethan shot each other looks of excitement and agreement. "Yea, let's do it" Tyler happily cheered and everyone became very excited and cheered.

"Except there's one problem" ethan chimed in. "I don't mean to be a buzz kill, but where are we gonna play? Who's gonna hook us up?"

"I think I know somebody who can hook us up" tyler assured. "But even so, we may need another way to get out there besides stage performances" he explained and everyone took a second to think.

"How bout YouTube?" Jack suggested, catching everyone's attention. "It'll be a great way to break out, reach audiences everywhere and not just locally, and, if we get famous enough, they'll even pay us to perform on the internet" he explained.

The other three looked back at each other at the option. "That could be great" ethan agreed and was followed by Mark and Tyler.

"And we're also gonna need a band name" Mark stated.

"Wait, you guys don't have a name yet?" jack asked in shock.

"We never got that far" tyler explained. "I mean we had a few but, we were kids and the names we had were pretty cheesy" the group laughed.

"Well in that case, how bout the YouTube Rock?" Jack proposed and the others seemed astounded.

"That actually has a nice ring to it" Mark nodded with a smile.

"Yea, and you know what else we should do?" ethan jumped from his seat. "We should all get individual stage names"

"W-what?" the other three simultaneously said delightfully.

"Yea, like I'll be um... Crankplays"

"Crankplays?" jack laughed.

"Do not judge me" ethan laughed back, pointing a finger at jack who held up is hands in defense. "And you guys can be.....whatever y'all want" he shrugged.

There was another pause as the others thought about what their stage names could be. "Oooo, I know" tyler was the first to speak. "I'll be called, Tyler Stoneface"

"Haha, I like it fits" mark nodded.

"Alright and what about you two?" he asked.

Mark and Jack turned to each other, both with smirks, having talked about what cool nicknames they always wanted to have just the other day. "My name is Markiplier" mark smiled back at the two.

"And my name is Jacksepticeye" the Irishman followed.

Tyler and Ethan looked at each other excitedly before giving the other two friends praise. "And there's one other thing" mark noted. "Me and Jack have always wanted to dye our hairs a crazy color, and we were thinking about doing so for the band"

Ethan's excitement grew while Tyler averted his gaze with a nervous grin. "I like my hair the way it is, but you guys can do whatever you want with urs, you can get Mohawks for all I care" he laughed.

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