Chapter 15 - Unthinkable

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"Screw it" I growl under my breath but reluctantly sticks my free hand out and clenched it into a fist. My hand hovers beside Peter who smirks.

On a silent signal we both move our fist up and down 2 times and the last time our hands come from their clench position and forms one of the 3 shapes. Mine was flat like paper. Peter has two fingers sticking out as scissors.

Scissors beat paper.

Peter's smirk widens and he gingerly takes the chocolate chip cookie out of my fingers. "I'll take that, Ms. London"

My eyes are wide and my blood boils with annoyance. I never win at rock, paper, scissors anyway. I don't know what possessed me to play the stupid game with him.

My lips curl over my mouth to bare my lengthening fangs and a snarl rips through my throat but that doesn't effect Peter.

He sits back on the chair and props his feet up on the table. He takes a bite of the cookie and looks at me "fantastic" his voice is muffle due to the food in his mouth and I have the urge to smack him a couple hundred times.

I take a threatening step toward him as he lounges. He's a smart ass and I have a short temper, I don't think anyone would really question why he would be strung up over the tarriest by his stupid sewn up finger.

"Hey don't be a sore loser" he points his finger at me and I narrow my eyes "Possession is 9/10ths of the law, sweetheart"

I scoff at his bull shit "You're an ass" I snap at him which only causes him to chuckle. I take another step toward him.

Before I could lay a claw on him a familiar voice hit my ears and has me freeze in place.

"While I think it's smart to bring me with you, I still think this is insane" I cringe in distaste when I recognize the voice of Allison outside the loft door with Lydia whose girly perfume is bombarding my nose.

My eyes catch Peter's and he rolls his eyes obviously feeling more distasteful about an Argent being here.

"I tried to find Stiles and I lead everyone in a mental institution. I call that a colossal failure" sure enough there's that strawberry blonde talking about what it seems like a personal issue. "Look I really need to figure this out and they are the only ones offering help"

Peter shakes his head when I point at myself questioningly and simply points to himself like that explains everything.

"It's not a offering. They want to manipulate you into getting what they want" Allison shoots back.

Peter points to me this time with a smirk and I flip him off. I may manipulate some... or a lot, doesn't matter, but what would I want from two teenage girls? I'm more into taking things from adults who have a better chance at defending themselves. But teenagers? I don't manipulate them, that's a waste of time, I just steal whatever I want from them.

Peter on the other hand...

The loft door slides open which makes both of us look over at the two. I don't care about Lydia, my attention is instantly on the hunter. I hate hunters and I don't trust them.

"The hunter and the banshee" Peter muses and stands to greet them. Wait, he knew they were coming? Why? And Banshee, really?

A banshee is just a schizophrenic supernatural that can hear voices in their heads. They don't scare me it's just they freak me out and their screams burst my ear drums. Not my top 5 favorite supernatural I admit.

"You brought a hunter into my home?" my tone is emotionless but on the inside I'm burning with annoyance. My head tilts to the side slightly as I examine the girl for any weapons. I know she does but it says a lot about a hunter if you can see them. When weapon's are exposed for someone to see it shows they are reckless and thoughtless.

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