Chapter 13

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I am honestly such a disgrace and deleted Wattpad BUT I AM BACK. Anyway, your guys's comments make me laugh so much so thank you. If the story line changes In some way or a character changes then I'm sorry but I haven't wrote in so long so something is bound to be different

When I opened my eyes I could see the stars. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep at some point. I groggily lifted my left hand to wipe my face and some drool that crusted to the side of my lip. My back was killing me. What kind of idiot just sleeps out in the open like this with no protection? I sighed and lifted my torso to get up, but I was stopped by a weight on my bottom half. I squinted my eyes to see through the dark rend saw someone's legs draped over my hips. My eyes opened with surprise and my face blushed a deep red.
'Oh my god. Oh my god. Did all of that really happen? Is..Is Tommy he rally into me?'
My thoughts kept racing. I suddenly covered my face with both of my hands. I don't understand why he'd choose me. I don't understand anything right now. The negative thoughts started to finally eat away at me. I clawed at my hair and contained my screams. My nose started to burn and I knew the tears would start soon. I cursed at myself. Why am I getting so emotional over this? Get a bloody grip, Newt. When the first tears escaped my eye, he moved. I stiffened as I felt his hand snake up my thigh to my side. I then felt a presence press up to my side towards my bottom. I finally looked at his face for the first time since I woke up. His hair was an absolute mess. I thought it looked cuter this way though. Half of his face was buried into my thigh, but his mouth was agape and his face was actually relaxed. He was so beautiful. There's no way that someone this beautiful will stay with me. I'm nothing. I almost killed myself for crying out loud! Tears started falling as I ran my fingers though his hair. God dammit Tommy, why do you have to do this to me?
A little while later Gally strolled up to us. I just stopped crying so I hoped that the dark could hide my red face. He walked up to us and then opened his eyes widely. He looked disgusted. I didn't know what his problem was until he screamed. "You're a Fag?!" His scream burst like bullets right through me. I forgot that he didn't know. I tried to get up but Tommy was only just now getting out of his deep sleep. Gally started laughing and I wanted to start crying. I was paralyzed with fear. Who knows what Gally will do. Tommy half turned to look at him.
"Man, what's your problem?" His voice was graveled with sleep. Gally just kept laughing. He's going to beat the bloody shit out of me.
"You're a fag and the person you chose was this fucking green bean right here?" He started to get angry. Tommy just realized what was going on and sprung to his feet so fast. I sat there as he walked up to him. I sat there like a bloody idiot.
"What are trying to justify here?" Tommy raised his voice. "It's not like we're a couple. It's not like we like each other."
What.. What does he mean. I thought last night convinced me he liked me? Am I really this stupid? Oh god, Newt. Is this what heartbreak feels like. I feel like such a fucking idiot. I should've known better. I feel the tears coming. I can still feel his arm around me. GOD DAMMIT" I got up to so fast start walking away. Walking away seems to be the thing I'm best at doing.
" That's just what you want me to say though, isn't it Gally? You want me to say that I'm not into Newt. You want me to say that I didn't spend all night snuggled up into his arms. Well guess what? I am and I did and nothing you do is going to change that." His voice instantly brought me to tears. Why am I so emotional right now? Must be my man period. If thats even a thing. I cleaned up my face enough to make myself seem natural and listened in to hear Gally stomping away. I looked at my sweet Tommy. He was smiling as though he just won the best thing in the world.
"I told that bitch off, WOOOOO" He screamed in triumph while he ran up to me, throwing his arms under my bottom and throwing me over his shoulder. I grunted as his shoulder dug its way into my stomach. I tried to laugh but I knew Gally wouldn't stop at that. I wiggled my way off his shoulder and into his arms. I looked at him and he looked at me.
"Tommy..he's not going to stop just becaude you yelled at him all mean and scary like. He'll be back and he'll do something and he'll beat me up and just wow..WHAT IF HE KILLS ME. WHAT IF HE KILLS YOU. OH MY GOD WE'RE GOING TO DI-" his lips crashed into mine. He gladly slipped his tongue into my mouth while I was mid sentence. He's so warm. I closed my eyes and let my tongue connect with his. I ran my fingers into his hair and tugged. I have to contain myself but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do nasty things to him. Or him doing it to me. While he placed his hands on my hips he pulled away and looked at me. I smiled and let myself be happy. Screw Gally.
"Newt." He said. Tommy.
"I don't think this is going to work."

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