Chapter 8

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I sat there breathing heavily terrified of why Thomas asked me those weird questions. I was lost in thoughts until Alby called me over. ''Minho doesn't remember Ben getting stung. How could he play it off cool like nothing happened. That shank, i swear. We have no other choce but to banish him'' Alby finished and put his head down like he was guilty. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked up

''It's not your fault Alby, everyone knows we have no bloody other choice. He could seriously hurt someone'' i patted his shoulder as he was shaking his head to tell me that he knew. He walked away back to Ben and i jogged up to Minho who was with the other runners discussing what to do. Minho seen me and met up with me. ''So you didn't see anything happen?'' i asked.

''Hell no i didn't, if i did do you think i would let him free to attack your boyfriend'' he whispered the last part and started laughing as my face turned bright red. I punched him in the arm and sat down on a log. He sat down next to me still laughing . ''What was the punch for! how rude''  i sat there thinking on how he would know. I looked at him. He was staring at me. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it. ''Are you going to say something blondie?'' I chuckled and shook my head.

''I just keep thinking about how you would...know...about me and the thing with Tommy.'' I scrathed my arm and he shifted closer to me and he lowered his voice a bit so only i could hear him.

''Newt, lets just say i've known you a long time right? i've never seen you so like embarrassed around any shank except greenbean over there. You never really make eye contact with him and you always make eye contact when speaking.'' he finished with a smirk like he knew all my darkest secrets...which i think he does. i Laughed at what he said.

''Maybe i should change that. Try to act more normal around him?'' I looked up at minho who was holding in laughter. I backed up a little shocked. ''Whats so funny?'' Minho laughed out loud and all i did was stare. I looked around to see if he was laughing at someone, but nothing was happening. Minho suddenly jumped forward wrapping his hands around my waist and before i knew it i was getting the shit tickled out of me. ''MINHO, BLOODY HELL'' i screamed. i struggled trying to get away. I was laughing so hard. I got out of his grasps and ran. just ran. i ran through the glade and through some gladers laughing. i looked behind me and Minho was right on me. He tackled me to the ground and pinned me. He continued to tickle me and i could barely breathe. Finally after a couple minutes he stopped. all the gladers we around us watching, including Thomas. This was like a monthly thing. Once a month Minho would chase me around the glade just tickling me. The gladers found it very amusing. Minho was laughing. I took this as my chance to push him off me. ''Bloody.fucking.hell'' i said laughing. ''i should have known'' i sat up and put my arms around my knees catching my breath. I looked up at tommy who was smiling. 

''Welp that was fun'' Minho got up and held out his hand to help me. I accepted and he pulled me up. He patted me on the back and walked away. I smiled and went to get some water. Tomas ran up beside me. He didn't say anything.  I looked at him. He didn't seem in the happiest of moods.

''What's up Tommy?'' i said concerned. He looked up at me surprised. I just stared. ''What's that look for? Something on my face?'' he shook his head no. ''Then what?''

''What did you just call me?''

''I called you Tommy? Why whats the ma-'' i stopped. I realized i only called him Tommy in my mind. ''Oh sorry tom. i mean thomas, whatever the shuck your name is. I looked ahead and forced myself to act normal.

''No! it's fine, it just made me feel home when you said that. It doesn't bother me.'' When he finished i snuck a glance at him and he still looked upset. i put my hand in front of him and stopped him.

''What's the matter?'' i asked, once again. He looked up smiling.

''It's nothing really i just thought Minho was attacking you when i seen him jump you at the log. Then he chased you and i don't know, it worried me but i realized when someone said that Minho teased you like that all the time that he was just tickling you and i felt stupid for worrying.'' He laughed. I forced a smile. I said okay and started walking again. I got my water and chugged half of it. I was talking to Thomas for the rest of the night. We were laughing until he got quiet.

''I want to go into the maze'' he said. i snapped my head towards him. no no no no no no no no. i thought over and over again.

''Tomorrow Alby will go with Minho into the maze, because Ben can't go'' i said normally.

''why though it's not even his job''

''Tommy, it's not your job either.'' He got up and walked away leaving me heartbroken. I didn't want him to go. I got up going to my bed and all i kept thinking was when Thoms caught me from the tree. We were so close. I then fell into a dream that i knew would never come true.

I woke up early and got to work. The doors opened and Alby ran out with Minho.  I sighed and continued working. It was a quiet day. Everyone was talking but they all seemed dead. Tomas was talking to Chuck. Why did Thomas look so cute. really i men look at that face. Thomas laughed and looked over at me. My heart skipped a beat as i realized i was staring at him. He smiled at me. I smiled back and turned away. Ugh. cutie. hours later every glader including me were gathered at the maze door. ''Where the bloody hell are they'' i said aloud. Every one was chatting. Tomas pushed up passed everyone and next to me. 

''Why are we all just standing here, we need to send someone to help'' he said. Gally screamed at him. i calmy looked at him. there was only a minute left before the doors closed.

''We can't afford to lose anyone else'' i looked back toward the maze. Finally thomas screamed that he could see them. My hopes shot up high but only to drain again. ''Something's wrong'' Minho was dragging Alby, screaming. The walls started closing. They weren't going to make it. We were all screaming. They were so close now. but so were the walls to closing. Before i realized anything...thomas ran forward. I lost my breath and reached out and grabbed nothing. Everyone was screaming for thomas to stop. ''THOMAS!'' I screamed in pain. I saw him dive right when the doors closed. He was gone. Minho was gone. Alby was gone. I lost the people i cared about most. I fell to my knees and sat there...just sat there.

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