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"Come on, come on, let me hold her for Christ's sake!" Ben grumbled. Danny frowned and held Chelsea Brook tighter to his chest. 

"I don't wanna. I just got her," he groaned. Ben sighed heavily and reached for the baby. I couldn't help but to smile. Oli rubbed my bare legs softly with the tips of his fingers. The guys and I were all sitting in the living room, taking turns holding the baby. We were finally out of the hospital, and her CPAC was gone. 

"Come on, Danny, lemme see her," Ben demanded. Danny sighed and gave the baby one last kiss. Must have been unpleasent for her, because she squealed loudly. 

"Now look what you did," he muttered. I sighed and pushed myself off Oli's lap and took Chelsea Brook from Danny's arms, cooing softly. She instantly calmed down, gurgling loudly. 

"Not my ffault. My beard must have scratched her or something," he muttered. I counced Chelsea Brook slightly, talking to her softly, getting us a well deserved group awe.

"Must be a women thing," Sam muttered. I laughed and handed the baby to Ben. His eyes lit up excitedly. Chelsea Brook scruntched up her face and cooed at the unfamilier man now holding her. 

"She looks just like you, Brodie," Matty said. He was leaned over the back of the couch, watched Ben and Chelsea Brook make faces at each other. 

"I guess I don't see it," I said. Oli drapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. 

"She has your eyes, Brod. She really does," he whispered into my hair. 

"Well if she doesn't have your smile, I may have to take her back," I said. Oli smiled and kissed me suddenly. 

"I love you," he whispered. I looked up at him. 

"Well I love you too," I whispered back. I leaned forward to kiss him again. I felt his fingers tangle though my hair. Suddenly. Chelsea Brook squealed loudly again. Ben's face lit up with shock and  horror. 

"You messed up," James said with a smile. I sighed and untangled myself from Oli's lap again, taking the baby from Ben.

"I'm sorry. I broke her," Ben said, hanging his head. I rolled my eyes. 

"You didn't break her. She's probably hungry and getting tired. She's had a big day. Meeting nine new strangers is a big deal from someone this tiny," I said. I craddled her against my chest and walked into the living room. She had stopped crying, but she still made soft whimpering noises, a definate sign that she was hungry. Oli came in behind me.

"Here, let me take her upstairs and change her. You make her bottle," he said. I nodded and smiled gratefully. I never knew how hard it was to do things with one hand until I brought her home. But it was something I was going to have to get used to. 

I placed the bottle of baby formula in the microwave to heat it up. I leaned against the counter and sighed heavily. Ben came in and sat next to me. 

"Tired?" he asked. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. 

"Never been more tired in my life," I said. I leaned against Ben's shoulder. "Taking care of babies is hard," I said. Ben laughed slightly. 

"Yeah, I bet," he said. 

"But you know what, despite it all, I've never been happier in my whole life. I'm with the man of my dreams, and now, I have the start of my perfect family. I'm getting married soon, and everything is great," I said. 

"I'm happy for you, Brod. Really, I am," he said. The microwave beeped, signaling that the bottle was ready. I pulled it out and headed for the stairs. 

"Don't have to much fun," Ben called. I laighed slightly and trotted up the stairs. 

Oli and Chelsea Brook were in the nursery. I leaned against the door frame and watched. Oli had her cradled against his chest. She stared up at him in wonder. He was talking silently to her, just barely loud enough for me to here.

"Do you know how much I love you already, little thing? You and your mommy mean the world to me, more than anything. I love your mommy so much. I never thought I would love again, until I met her. And now, I have you, and I love you just as much," he whispered. A tear rolled down my face. I had never seen Oli like this before. So tender and surreal. I cleared my throat loudly. Oli turned around and smiled.

"Hey babe," he said. I smiled and walked into the room. "Thought you got lost," he said. 

"No, just talking to Ben," I said. 

"Well, baby and I were spening quality Dad time together anyway, so it's okay. Although, she's hungry and getting very sleepy," he said. I handed the bottle to him. He smiled and began feeding Chelsea Brook. Her big eyes grew heavier by the second as she ate. 

"You go back down stairs and kick everyone out. She needs to sleep. I'll but her to bed. Be down in a minute," he said. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and headed back downstairs. 

"Well guys, hate to kick you out so soon, but the baby is sleeping. You guys can come over later," I said. They guys all groaned loudly. 

"Do we have to? We'll be quiet," Jordan said. I smiled and shook my head.

"No, sorry. Mom and Dad need some down time too," I said. The guys all whooped and hollared loudly. I rolled my eyes and opened the front door. 

"Come on, out," I said, pointing to outside. The guys all shuffled out, hugging me as they left. I turned to close the door. Ben was leaned against the couch, smiling coyly. 

"Come on, Ben, you too," I said, pointing. He walked over and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm really happy for you," he said. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Thank you, really," I said. 

"Go spend time with your man," he said, heading out the door. I sighed and closed it, making sure it was locked. I trotted back up the stairs, heading to the nursery. I opened the door and peaked inside. Chelsea Brook was sound asleep, sucking her thumb loudly. Oli was gone. I figured he was in the bedroom. I closed the door quietly and headed down the hall. 

Oli was laying on the bed, watching Jurassic Park. I sighed heavily as I flopped down on the bed next to him.

"Babies are hard," I muttered into the pillow. he laughed and wrapped his arm around me, pulled me closer to his bare chest. I rolled over into it, burring my face against it. 

"Yeah, but she's worth it," he whispered. I smiled and proped myself up on his chest. 

"A little, yes," I said, smiling. I kissed him softly, tangling my fingers through his hair. He moaned softly. 

"Oli needs some long over due alone time," he said as his hands slid up my shirt. I laughed and kissed him again.

"I think that can be arranged," I whispered. 

Her Sempiternal (Sequel to Oliver's Smile)Where stories live. Discover now