Something Was Bound to Happen...

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Oskar and I sat on the couch together watching cartoons The guys were all at the studio. There was only a few weeks left before the album was released at the first of April. I knew they would probably barely leave the stuido between now and then. 

"Come on, little guy, let's go outside and get some fresh air," I said as I scooped him up. We headed to the frontpoarch. I watched as Oskard ran around the big yard, barking at literally everything that moved, including himself, He was really something to watch. 

A car appraoched my house and came almost to a complete stop. I calle Oskar over to me before he could go run out in front of it. The car slowly drove past my house. I held Oskar closely. 

"Come on boy, this is just to creepy for me," I said. I quickly headed back inside. The car had finally driven past and quickly sped on. I sighed and rolled my eyes. It was probably some crazy fan hoping for a glimpse of Oli and the rest of the guys. 

Safe back inside the house, I decided I would call Oli and see how everything was going. He picked up on the third ring,

"Hey baby, how are you?" he asked. I sighed with relief, instantly forgetting my previous worries. 

"It's okay. Just super bored," I said. I twisted my colored hair around my finger. I really wanted to dye it again, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.

"You're telling me. We're just kind of sitting around now, waiting for Jordan to finish programing the rest of the album. How's Oskar?" he asked. As if on command, the little puppy jumped up in my lap and gave a small yip. I heard Oli laugh.

"He's good. We were just outside, and the weirdest thing happened. This car just drove by all slow like, like they were looking for something," I said as I crossed my legs under me. Oskar turned around in my lap and laid down, almost falling asleep instantly. 

"What do you mean?" he asked. I could hear the concern in his voice. 

"I dunno, it was just the weirdest thing. They just drove by really slowly. It kind of creeped me out," I said. 

"Hmm, well maybe it was just a fan or something," he said. I know he was still worried though.

"Yeah, maybe," I said.

"Would you like to come down to the studio? Just to, you know, bring us coffee or something? Just gtet out of the house for a little bit?" he asked.

"Yes!" I said. I jumped up from the couch, spilling Oskar from my lap. He growled and let out a little bark. I laughed. "We'll be right over with coffee and whatever else you want," I said. 

"Alright babe, see you soon," he said. He hung up the phone then. I looked down at Oskar, who was now chasing his own tail. 

"Come on, little guy, we have to go see daddy now," I said. I scooped him up and trotted up the stairs. Oli insisted that Oskar wear a little doggy coat when ever we went out, but he wasn't the one who had to wrestle him into it. 

Once I finally got him in it, I grabbed the keys to the car and Oskar's leash and headed out the door. 


"Hey baby!" Oli shouted as I walked through the door, hands full with coffee trays and bags of begals and Oskar's leash. I grunted a response, struggling with the door. Oskar was busy going nuts, so excited about being back with Oli. Jordan rushed over to help me, taking the trays of coffee from me.

"Thank you," I said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Where's mine?" Oli asked. I sighed and pratically fell into his arms. He kissed the top of my head softly.

"I misse you," I said quietly. 

"I missed you too," he said. Oskar growled quielty at our feet. I sighed. That dog...

I flopped down on the sofa with Matty. 

"Thanks for the coffee, babes," he said. I smiled.

"I really just wanted to get out of the house," I said.

"Yeah, Oli said that  someone drove by the house?" Matt said. I nodded.

"Yes, it was really creepy," I said. 

"I'm sure it was just a fan. Once they found out we were here, I'm sure they spent all of their free time trying to track us down," Lee said. 

"It was stil creepy. All I have there during the day with me is this little shit," I said, glaring at Oskar. 

"Ah, it'll be alright," Lee said. I hoped he was right,

"So, how is everything going?" I asked.

"Well, we've just about got everything done. Just have to put in the last minute touches," Oli said.

"That'a great. I bet it's going to turn out just fine," I said, giving Oli a quick kiss. 

"Thanks, we're excited," jordan said. 

We chit chatted for a while after that. But I knew that they guys needed to get back to work. I gathered up Oskar and gave Oli another kiss.

"Drive safe, and lock the doors, just in case that person comes back," Oli said. I nodded. 

"We'll be fine," I said. I waved goodbye and climbed back into the car. Oskar settled down and went to sleep.

As I stepped through the front door, I knew something was wrong. It felt heavy in the house..  I clutched Oskar tightly to my chest.

"Hello?" I called out. Nothing looked out of place, but it still felt wrong.

"Hello!" I shouted again. I set Oskar down, His hackles were raised, and he instantly stalked to the kicten. I looked around for something I could use for a weapon. All I found was the poker by the fire place. I grabbed it and clutched it toghtly in my hands. 

I quietly rounded the corner to the kitchen. It appeared empty. 

"Oskar? I called quietly. I heard a little rustle around the counter. I quietly walked around the counter and gaspe at what I saw.

"Hello Brodie," Tyler said.

"Tyler!" I cried. He let out a sinister smile.

"Did you think you could get rid of me so easily?"

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