Hold Your Head Up

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"Are you ready to go home today?" Oli asked. I shrugged and sunk lower into my hospital bed. He frowed slightly as he rested his hand on my leg. I tried not to flintch, but he must have noticed anyway.

"What's wrong?" he whispered. 

"Nothing. Are we leaving anytime soon?" I asked. I pulled my leg away and flipped the sheet off my legs. Oli said nothing as I ripped the sweats he had brought for me from his hands and slid into them. He stared at me again, not moving at all. 

"What?" I asked. I quickly slid out of the hospital gown and into the shirt Oli had also brought for me.

"Something is different with you. You're snappy, grumpy, and you would rather be alone all the time. You didn't even want to say goodbye to Cassie and Jona," he said. I shrugged.

"I'm sure I'll see them agian in the future," I said. Oli sighed heavily and stood up. I pratically darted out the door, trying to avoid his grasp. 

"Finally leaving?" the check out nurse said. I leaned against the counter and sighed heavily.

"Yes. I just want to get home," I said. She raised an eye brow at me, but said nothing more. Oli shuffled on past me to go wait in the car. 

"Well, you're all set. However, Brodie, there are somethings I would like to inform you of before you leave. You will need to come back in to see us in about a month or so, just so we can check your progress with the baby. Also, there are some counseling groups the hospital has. You know, for survivors like you. You might want to pay them a visit. You're in a very sensitive state right now. Lots of emotions will over come you, sometimes at unwanted times. You don't want that. You need to be as stress free as possible. Talking in these groups will help. There are people like you there, people that want to help," she said. Every word she spoke only made me angrier. "You really should consider going, Brodie. You want to do all in your power to defeat this," she said. I slammed my fist down on the counter.

"Stop telling me what I need to do! What I need to do is get home and try to take care of this god damn baby!" I shouted. I grabbed my check out papers and stormed out the door to Oli's car. I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me, not even looking at Oli.

"Brod?" he asked quietly.

"Just drive!" I snapped. I crossed my arms and sunk down into the seat, trying to keep tears from falling. 

We drove in silence back to the house. The air was thick with tension. As soon as Oli pulled up in the drive way, I hopped out and slammed the door shut, not even waiting for Oli to shut the car off. 

The gang was all h anging out on the couches when I came in. 

"You're home!" Matty shouted. He jumped up and pulled me into a big hug. I stiffened, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Matty, would you mind letting me go?" I asked quietly. His grip instantly released. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. I brushed past him and headed up the stairs. 

"Nothing. I'm going to bed," I said. I heard Oli come into the door, but I didn'y bother waiting for him.

Finally, I made it up to our room. I locked it so I would have to deal with Oli. I knew he was upset, but I didn't care. I didn't want anyone to care about me. I figured it would be easier if i just sidappeared for a while. I didn't want to be around anyone. 

Oksar was curled up on the bed. I flopped down next to him and pulled the blankets up over my head. I felt him wiggle his way under the covers with me and curl up nex to my side. I sighed and stroked his tiny body.

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