Night 6 - part two

Start from the beginning

«But I beat all of my senpai* too, and you know it!»

«I know that challenge was not even meant to exist!»

«I know you watched them gangin up on me without doing anything!» you barked back.

He was about to get out of the desk but he froze the second Aokiji raised a hand.

«Arara, calm down. It seems we have a little problem here.»

«Yes sir: her.»

You pressed your lips together and lowered your head.

Aokiji's mouth twitched.

«I wonder what can be done about it.»

For a few moments the silence owned the room, then the Admiral shrugged.

«Fine. I'll take it upon myself to complete her training.»

The captain's jaw dropped.

You choked on your saliva.


«Yeah... I need a sniper for my next mission anyway.» he turned to you «Are you really that good with a rifle?»

You focused on swallowing in your dry throat.

«Hum... yes.»

«It's decided then. Pack your stuff, we're leaving. If you manage to take down those pirates from afar while I take a nap, I might as well keep you.»

You did it.

He kept you.

The thought of your first night on that ship slowly entered your mind as you listened to your breath in the dim light of the cabin.

What changed, after all? You were always tied down, ready to be abused, waiting for the same beast to come and feast on you.

And yet there was something completely different. A strange feeling of calm was keeping things still inside.

When the Kid Pirates took you prisoner, you were blaming yourself for being captured, alive. You further tormented your mind with the consciousness it was all on you.

The tortures, the threats, the humiliation. All your fault, all because you weren't good enough.

That was why no one, not even Aokiji would come to your rescue.

But nothing of that shit was messing with your mind, now.

Yeah, maybe you let the Kid Pirates capture you (although you were abandoned on a sinking ship by your "comrades"). So what? It was far too late to remedy it.

Someone did come for you. You owed your apologies for not even considering Koby and Helmeppo as friends before.

Honestly, there was only one person you had ever considered. You had ever seen.

Maybe a big part of your loneliness was on you.

That night, though, you had done the right thing. You couldn't blame yourself for the situation you were in, although you caused it.

It felt surprisingly easier.

Yeah, [Y/n], so much easier. Keep it in mind while Kid shoves his metallic arm inside you, I'm sure that will help.

The rain was still pounding against the porthole when the door creaked open.

Your stomach clenched immediately.

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