[52]:Revenge Is Sweet

Start from the beginning

I nod my head and go over and hug Grace as my mood changes from happy to glum, "Please let me know if anything changes."

"I will, now go get ready."

Ash was almost ready by the time I reached my room so he'd be sat there moaning at me getting ready now.

He was in my mirror doing his hair as I stripped off, slipping on some clean underwear.

My eyes met his through the mirror and he was grinning at me. "Can I help you?" I say smirking at him and he nods turning around.

"You can get your butt over here and kiss me."

"No time for that." I reply slipping on a clean pair of light blue skinny jeans and a long white vest top.

As I'd had my hair up in a bun last night it was now wavy, flowing down my back. It would do.

I quickly put some make-up on before slipping on my new pair of baby pink jelly sandals.

"Well don't you look cute today." Ash says sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Thanks, I'm almost done."

I grab my long pink cardigan and place my designs and sketches in my bag. I quickly brush my teeth and spray myself with perfume.

"Let's go, my mannequin's downstairs already. Can you grab that material from the corner, I'll grab the mannequin."

I don't know how we made it to college on time but we did. As soon as Ash had parked the car and I step out, the girls came running over and pull me into a group hug.

"We're so sorry Lyd." Ayla says

"It's okay, he's fighting it, he's going to be okay."

"Of course he is." Lois says smiling.

"We better get to class but we can talk at lunch okay." Georgia says smiling and I nod.

She runs off and I link my arm with Ayla. "She's panicking that there's not enough time to learn everything before the show."

"I thought that she knew all her lines like a week after she was given them." I laugh.

"She does. She's just panicking about her dance moves, the songs, her lines...basically everything. You know what she's like, she's a worry wart."

"Anyway, how is our new couple doing?" Lois grins as Ash comes up behind me.

"We're good." Ash says kissing my cheek.

"This is your first day here at college being a new couple." Ayla says grinning like a Cheshire cat at me.

"And." I say looking at her with a confused look on my face.

"Everyone is going to be staring...like they are now. You're going to be the envy of every girl here. You know how much they wanted to be the one Ash committed to...for longer than a week."

"Hey...I made it to almost a month with Rachel and almost two with Tina."

"God knows why." I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Yea me neither."

"Speaking of Tina, she was asking about you as we came in this morning." Lois says coming in front of me.

"What does she want?"

"I duno, she was just asking how you were and if you would be in today. Does she know about your granddad?"

"No, only you girls and my family. Why the hell would I tell her?"

"I have no idea, I didn't say anything to her but the impression I got was that she knew something had happened."

"I don't trust her for one second." Ayla says to us and I nod. "You know she's beyond jealous that you're with Ash now and that he just wants to be friends with her."

"I still don't get why you're friends with her." I say turning to face Ash.

"Everyone deserves a second chance, she apologised for what she did and she seems to have changed."

"If you believe that you'll believe anything." Lois sighs. "Anyway, I better get to class; think I just heard the warning bell."

"Okay, well I can help you bring your stuff up. You can get to class Ash." Ayla smiles picking up my mannequin.

"You sure?" He asks and she nods.

"Okay, well I'll see you at lunch then Lou."

"Okay see you then." I smile up at him and kiss him briefly.

He sends me a cheeky wink before heading off towards his class as I trek my stuff up to textiles with Ayla.

Once I place everything down Mrs Tudor calls me over. "Everything okay miss?" I ask as I reach her desk.

"Yes, I just got a call off your mother this morning letting me know what happened. She was worried that you wouldn't turn up to class and that you'd lose your space in the fashion show."

"Oh yea, I wanted to. I wanted to stay at the hospital with my family but my dad said I had to come back to be able to do the fashion show. My granddad would be really upset if I missed the show due to me being with him."

"I'm really glad you chose to come in, but at any point you need to leave it's okay. I won't be pulling you out of the show because of serious family reasons. Plus you're too talented"

"Thank you miss."

"Anytime, now go work on your dresses. I can't wait for you to start on your last gown; it's going to be a special moment when you reveal that to the judges."

"I hope so. I just have to finish these last few and I can make a start on it."

"Well off you go then" she smiled and I went back to work on my dress.

Throughout the morning I always felt like there was a pair of eyes watching me but every time I glanced up, Tina wasn't looking at me, neither was anyone else. Something felt off but I couldn't put my finger on it.

*Secret POV*

I was hid in the old cleaner's room under the stairs. No one ever came down into this block anymore as it's part of the old college. The door opened and she came in.

"Did you get anything good?" She asked and I nodded. A huge smirk taking over my face.

"Just something small for now, we want to keep the juicier stuff for later."

"Show me." She grinned and I pulled the picture out of my bag.

"Bingo. This is brilliant. Lydia will learn her lesson. I'm going to make sure she knows her place."

"We're still going with the original plan for now right? Tease and make people guess. Make them all squirm."

"Yes. Get everyone's feathers ruffled. But this is great ammunition for when we want her to know, it's her we're after and really want to scare her."

And with that she stormed off out the room with the photo in her hand.

This revenge was getting sweeter by the minute.


Sooo a couple of people got the secret POV right last time...anyone got any guesses after this one? It's all the same people I'll tell you that much. ;)

I know nothing much is happening right now but that's about to change soon. Anyone want to let know what they're thinking? :))

Please vote and leave me your comments, they really help and make me smile.

Thanks for reading...x

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