Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Brody

Delbert and I were asking Jason about what his text meant. He was being suborn and refused to answer, no matter how many times we asked.

The yelling went on for a while, then he finally just sat down and Delbert stared at him while I just walked around the room. Then, he stood up walked over to me, and asked the stupidest question I've ever heard.

"Why do you think you can suddenly be Maple's boyfriend?"

"She likes me. I like her. We are each other's true love." I spoke calmly. Then, he did the strangest thing. He grabbed my hand, walked over to the door, opened the door, can probably guess what happened.

He slammed my hand in the door. I was in too much pain to scream.

Maple walked into the room to make sure everything was okay, I guess. She saw my hand in the door and asked who did it. I used my other hand to point at Jason, and she walked over to him and punched him.

I was in so much pain that I didn't hear if she said anything. She walked over to me, and slowly opened the door. I a little girl...

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"No." Jason spoke before I could respond.

"I wasn't talking to you." She glared at him. "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think I'll be okay. It obviously hurts, but I'll be fine."

"Okay." She said, slowly.


We got my hand wrapped in gauze and cleaned the blood off my hand and Jason's face. After that we decided to have Maple try to ask him about what he would "explain later" so we left them in the kitchen and told everyone that they had to stay out.

There was a lot less yelling and screaming and door slamming when Maple talked to him. After a few minutes, she walked out of the kitchen to tell us what he did and why he did it.

"So...basically...he was working with your mom," she looked at me. "And he claims to have done it to protect us..." She said, slowly.

"Does he really think we'll believe that? We all trusted him and he betrayed us." Delbert said.

"Yes. He thinks we'll believe that. That's the story he's going with. I don't believe him either. He wouldn't do that. But I don't think he was forced to."

"He's been acting weird lately." Delbert said, "like he has a secret or something. What if he's the one that planned everything? Not Brooke."

"Yeah...he could've. My mom wouldn't attack somewhere that I am. She may be crazy and want all the power in the world and she may have killed dead people but she cares about my dad and me."

"But Jason has never been this power hungry. Ever. And I've known him since I was born."

"But he has been actin differently lately. You have to admit at least that." Delbert pointed out.

"I guess he has..." Maple trailed off.



So I wrote this at school and sorry it's been so long and I have permission to be on my phone 'cause it's homeroom or advisory or whatever you want to call it and yeah so try to get 2k reads on this by 6/25 because that's the last day of school for me and yeah so thanks for 1.5k almost 1.6k and sorry for run on sentence but I have lunch in less than 5 minutes and I want my fries. lol.


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