Chapter Twenty-Three

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  • Dedicated to Thunder

Chapter Twenty-Three: Maple

I woke up in that same stupid cave. Why here? Why don't they think to take me somewhere else? I asked myself. I looked around and noticed that only Derek was there. I went to talk but realized I had tape over my mouth and my hands and feet were tied up. I tried to lick the tape a little bit and succeeded. Yes, it was gross but I got the tape of quickly and painlessly.

I lifted my wrists up and used my teeth to untie the ropes. After three minutes I got it undone. Then I untied my feet in less than a minute. Derek is really bad at tying knots. I thought. I pulled out my phone and put it on silent.

When I opened messages I saw that I had about three thousand unread texts from Brody, Delbert, LaCie, and Nikki. I also had a few from Walter and Duke, but not as many. I texted Nikki and LaCie first.

I'm not dead. I'll see you later. Promise.

Then I texted Brody the same thing and went into a conversation with Delbert.

I'm in a cave. Brody's dad doesn't know I'm awake. His mom isn't in here. Please come fast.

After that, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and pretended to be passed out again. After about ten minutes someone else came into the cave. It was Delbert. Derek went to punch him, but I got up and tackled him. He flipped me off of him and put a cloth over my mouth.

Chloroform again.


When I woke up I was on the couch at home. Like, real home. Not the place I was being forced to live. Yeah I haven't forgotten that Delbert forced me to live in that stupid house. If he didn't make me, none of this would have happened to us.

I suddenly realized something. Someone was missing. Not a person, not a fox, a dog. "Where's Red?" I asked, sitting up.

"Wow how considerate of you. You're so worried about me." Delbert said, sarcastically. "He's upstairs. He was smart enough to run back when the fighting started. We saw him coming back on the way and brought him. I knew would slaughter us if we didn't."

"Wow. That was actually smart. For once, you did something smart!" I said. Delbert sarcastically laughed. "So, are you and Nikki and LaCie and Brody and Walter and Duke and everybody ok? Wow that was a lot of 'and'." I mumbled the last part.

"Yeah, we're all fine. And don't think that you're living here. You're not. I just wanted you to be away from everyone for a little."

"You hate me." I groaned.

"No. I don't want you to be viciously murdered while you sleep. Not without witnesses anyway." He said, walking into the kitchen.

"How considerate." I said sarcastically. "Why cant I just live here? I'm careful and I can protect myself." I followed him.

"Because I care about you and I don't want you dead."

"But Brooke and Derek want me dead or something and they know where the other house is so why don't I live here? It's safer, when you think about it."

"But It's not, when you think about it."

"How is it not safer?"

"Because there's no one to protect you."

"But I have myself and Red."

"Wouldn't you rather have your friends and me?"

"No. Red understands what its like not having parents. You do, but it's different. Red hasn't known me my whole life and he doesn't judge me the same way you do."

"I don't judge you."

"You've judged me in some way. Weather it's good or bad you've judged me."

"Well, it's the good way."

"But not everyone else has in the good way. I want to stay here with Red!"

"Well too bad! I'm in charge of you now so you're going to live where there are people who will take care of you! End of conversation."

I left the kitchen and just went outside to sit in the bushes. It was there, that I saw a movement. An awfully familiar movement...



revised. author note next.

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