Chapter Twenty-One

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Thunder

Chapter Twenty-One: Maple

I saw Brody and Delbert fighting two foxes, but they were both in human form. I ran over to help them.

"Maple, be careful!" They both warned.

"Are you sure you guys aren't each other's true loves?" I joked, pulling both foxes away from them. "No. We do not attack. Do you understand?" I said to the foxes, treating them like little puppies. I even used 'the puppy voice'

They both nodded a little bit. "Good. Now both of you get time out. Go sit over there." Delbert said, pointing somewhere random that had no other people or foxes. We both started laughing but immediately stopped when we saw Brooke walking towards Brody, with a knife.

"Duck!" I yelled at Brody.

"Duck?" He asked.

"Duck!" Delbert repeated as I picked up a wooden baseball bat from the ground. I swung at where Brody's head was, just as he ducked. Brook seemed to be confused about 'duck' as Brody but she didn't notice me swinging at bat at her head.

"Where did you get that?" Brody asked, gesturing to the bat.

"It was on the ground. Why? I have absolutely no idea."

We ran off, me swinging the bat as hard and fast as I could; Brody yelling "Duck!"; and Delbert scolding foxes that were attacking. I looked around, at all of the people that I didn't know, lying on the ground, hit by a bat. That was when I realized something. There was one person that I did know, that should be on the ground. But he wasn't.

That's when I smelled something I thought was chloroform, and the world went dark.



Sorry its so short! the computer was doing something weird for a few days and i write in a word document but at least i updated on time...right? no? okay. okay. Oh my gosh that was mean of me if you've read The Fault In Our Stars.

i was just locked out of my house because the lock decided to change on its own. Wonderful isnt it? I got in the back but im still mad because i tried 2 different keys on the front door and its like i could hear seri saying "This lock is not avalible. Please try another one or try again later."

Okay this author note is more than 100 words so imma go now...sorry again for late updates and short chapters...does anyone read author notes...? i read everything including copy right stuff 'cause i font want books to end...this author note is more than 200 words so goodbye. :)

*edited in* OMG! 923 reads?!?! Can we get to 1k by the 23rd of this month? (It'll be 2 months to my B-Day cuz I'm too lazy to type Birthday. lol.)

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