Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Thunder

Chapter One: Brody

            Everyday in both spring and fall I would draw one fox. Five years. I drew her for five years. One day she realized that it was her I was drawing and she ran. She must've run for miles. I didn't see her again until the end of fall.

            Or, at least, until the last day of fall. By then, she realized I wasn't going to hurt her. But she looked like she was in pain. She kept twitching and then as if by magic ran behind a tree and, a moment later, a teenage girl peered around the trunk of the big maple tree. She asked, "Who are you?"

            "Brody. Who are you" I replied.

            "Ummm," the girl took a minute to think. Almost as if she didn't know her own name. "Maple. Sorry. I must've hit my head and done something to my memory"

"oh. Are you ok?"

"yeah. I'll be fine. I just need to find my way home."

"Do you want help? I mean, can you find you remember where to go?"

"Yeah. I guess, I'll see you around, Brody."

"Ok. Wait-you have the same eyes as a fox I've seen."

"Oh. Nobody's ever said that to me before. I think I know which one you're talking about though."

"Cool. I'll see you around, then."

"Bye." And with that she walked into the woods.

At first I thought I'd been hallucinating but after some thought I realized that had really happened and Maple really existed. I had to tell someone. So I went inside and called my only friend that might have a chance at understanding. Walter. He was just as crazy as me, if not more.

"Walter, I'm telling the truth! I saw her, as a fox, go behind a tree and then, as a human, come out from behind the tree!" I said, into the phone.

            "Think what you want, but, have you ever heard of a werefox? I didn't think so. And if you saw a fox, you know you're supposed to kill it."

"Yeah, yeah, 'kill all foxes! They don't deserve a chance!' But she wasn't doing any harm!"

"Ok, well let me kn0ow how it turns out with you and your fox girlfriend."

"She isn't my girlfriend. And stop smiling!"

"You cant even see me!"

"I know you too well."

"Ok well, I have to go. Bye."

"Ok. See ya."

Even the craziest person I knew didn't believe me. What else could I do but find her?

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