Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to Thunder

Chapter Nine: Brody

I heard foot steps and crying. I had no idea what it was at first. Then I realized that Maple was running out of the house. "You've already upset her!" Jason yelled.

"How do you know that was me? I've been here the whole time!" I retorted.

"You are her mate. You are the only one who can really hurt her."

"I don't think that's as hurt as she can be. You know her parents are gone right? That probably hurt more than whatever I didn't do!"

He scoffed. "Just go. You are the only one who can really make her feel better. And one more thing, only Delbert and I know this, but, she has anger problems."

"Ok." I said. Maple had anger problems? She was so sweet though. How could someone so sweet become so angry?

I walked to the front door and looked outside. I didn't see Maple at first. What if she ran away? What did I even do? I asked myself. Then I heard crying. I looked to my right and, sure enough, there was Maple. She was crying in the bushes.

"Maple, what's wrong? What did I do?" I asked.

"N-nothing." She said, between sobs.

"Maple, what happened?"

"I-its nothing."

"It's obviously something. Tell me."

"I heard you and Jason talking," She whispered, "You can't tell anyone."

"Ok. But why?"

"You're not supposed to be able to hear through the walls. 'Cause it's the leader's office."

"So?" I asked.

"I could hear through the walls."

"Oh. Did you hear everything?"


"Is that why you're out here?"


"Is it what I said?"


"What is it then?"

"It's what Jason said."

"What part of it?"

"The part about caring about me."


"I could hear the honesty in your voice when you said that you care about me."



"Do you already care about me?"


"oh. Then I have a question. Can I ask it?"

"Yeah. But you just did."

"can I ask two more? This is one of them."

"Wow. You've already learned. Go ahead."

"Maple, will you go out with me?"

"Hmmm...I don't know."

"Pleeeease?" I begged.

She sighed, "I guess so."

"Yes!" I shouted. She laughed at me and grinned.

"Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise."

"But-but I wont know what to wear!" She pouted.

"Aw. Too bad."

"Wow. You are, like, the most sympathetic person I have met in my life!" She said, sarcasm practically dripping out of her mouth.

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