13. Mess

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Ever since Vivian had given Jin the news of her pregnancy, everything had changed between Jin and (Y/N)'s relationship. Distance has become their friend.

Anytime the two would bump into each other he'd quickly turn on his heels turning the opposite way ignoring (Y/N), she would try to start a conversation with him but he was quick to run away. Also when he'd come home from his shift, he'd make his way to his bedroom once again ignoring the girl's presence making her suffer each time he'd avoid her.

She was not only suffering from missing his presence but the sound of his voice, hearing his unique laugh, seeing his joyous smile, admiring the way his eyes crinkle as he smiles overall she missed him but Jin closed himself off.

(Y/N) respected his distance hoping he'd come around on his own but for the meantime they would both do their own thing, Jin would work and she'd stay home and lounge, clean around the house, or sit on the couch sucked in her journal.

One day, she was sitting down on the couch writing her feelings down and working on unfinished sketches. Meanwhile Jin was home since he was off from work, he was locked up in his room as usual although he was starting to become bored but he didn't want to face the girl that was on the other side of the door.

A squeak disrupted (Y/N)'s thoughts which drew her attention towards Jin's bedroom
and caught a glance of him as they both made eye contact, he quickly shut the door causing a sigh to escape her lips.

After that day, the routine of Jin ignoring her continued on which made her feel as though she was no longer welcomed in the once comfortable home she had made, there was no need for her to be here if she were being ignored so she thought what was best was to disappear from his sight officially and leave.

It had been a rainy day after (Y/N) realized that it was time to leave although she thought it'd be best to walk the decision off since it'd leave her living on the streets once again. She also was overwhelmed with sadness and was no longer up to be surrounded by silence so a walk would definitely distract her mind and get her thoughts sorted.

Walking towards the door grabbing a coat and slipping on her shoes, she walked out the door shutting it behind her and locked it. She was greeted by a slight chilly breeze making her tighten the coat around her body, although it was nighttime the need for an escape consumed her so she started her walk with no destination in mind.

As she walked around, a park came into sight catching her attention so she walked closer to it and made her way towards the swings and noticed a few people passing by the park.

Getting on the swing (Y/N) began to swing herself moving her legs in the process helping her gain more power that was until she felt something fall onto the top of her head, looking up and putting her hand out she saw droplets of rain come down the dark sky followed by the rumbling sound of thunder hit nearby.

The thunder had caused her to jump and placed a hand onto her chest trying to regain composure, under her breath she let out a few curse words as the once light rain turned to a torrential pour which had her running around for shelter.

To her luck, a bar was her closet shelter so she ran towards it and swung the door open quickly walking in.

The bar seemed half empty which relieved her since she didn't want to make conversation with a complete stranger. Making her way towards the bar, she ordered herself a drink just any drink that would help her numb the pain away.

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