Part Eleven

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I am suspended in the vast open darkness that is unconsciousness, I felt disconnected from my body. I was warm but as I looked around into the nothingness I felt a profound loneliness fill every inch of my being, I tried to pull back away from the painful feeling but a strong powerful feminine voice cut through the nothingness.

"You are meant for good dear girl but alone is something you will never be" the voice says seeming to feel what I do

"I feel so alone" I tell the voice, I desperately look around for where the voice is coming from but I see nothing and no one in this space.

"Your wolf was given to you to guide you, I have always watched over you. You have no idea who you are yet, but your journey is long and you must figure out who you are for yourself. Just know you are not alone, please keep fighting, you are stronger than you think" the voice tells me.

I only felt the truth in her voice, I didn't understand but I knew she meant well. I could just feel it, I started to smell coffee. I could feel my body again and as I slowly woke up everything came back to me, I sat up and looked around. I was still in a holding cell, I had a thin cotton blanket over me and cold metal under me.

The Guard is what we call our law enforcement, our officers are called guards. They go through rigorous training and tend to be wolves, some humans join but they are usually always accompanied by a wolf guard assistant. They don't train quite as hard as our warriors but if there was ever a war or some kind of attack they would all fight together.

I got up from my metal bed trying to stretch my aching muscles, I hated the bed but my body was glad for the sleep. The little holding cell looked different in the daylight, it was still dull and white but the sun shining through the window made me feel a bit better. I wasn't up for too long before one of the guards that was sipping coffee by the desk in the corner of the room, came over to my cell. She held out a cup to me, I took it, grateful for the hot liquid. I took a few sips and sighed at the warmth the coffee gave me from the inside.

"Thank you" I say to the guard

"No problem it's starting to get cold again" she says sipping on her own coffee

"Do you know how long I will be here?" I ask

"You are about to be transferred to our juvenile center, there you will wait until your court date where they will hold your trial where you can plead your case and there is where they will decide if you are to be released or not" she tells me

"I didn't do anything wrong! I protected my sister. He is the one who attacked us!" I say rage boiling inside me, this whole situation was ridiculous and made me so damn mad.

"It was your first change honey, they think you are the one who attacked your family." she says

"I would never do that! This is ridiculous!" I say loudly, the other guards were listening to our conversation closely and I could see their discomfort at being talked to so directly.

"I'm sorry, if it was up to me I'd let you out right now. But sadly that's not how our law system works" she says trying to comfort me

"What about my sister? She needs me, we have no one else who is safe" I say defeated, I didn't know what to do I felt trapped I wanted to be out of this place so badly.

"She is still in the hospital, the Council decides if you're guilty or not and the alpha will give you the decree and we will carry it out. After everything is sorted legally they will take care of her case and place her probably with a close relative" she informs me, my brother pops into my mind as she tells me this and dread seeps into my stomach.

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