Part Thirteen

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~Two Years Later~

I woke up with high hopes this morning, I woke up to the same plain white walls and hard bed as usual. But today was the day I would finally get out of juvie, It has been an excruciating two years. I felt claustrophobic in this place, there were no trees and I couldn't shift. My wolf has been wanting to shift so badly here recently, she felt just as trapped as I did. It was the same every day; wake up, dress in the green jumpsuit (one I have gotten sick of), breakfast, school block, lunch, outside time, free block, dinner, shower, bed. Another thing we have is head checks constantly throughout the day too, they go through and count us all to make sure no one has snuck off or something worse. Everyday it was repetitive and drove me nuts, usually the only time I got any relief from the constant repetitiveness was on Friday when Matty and Alan came by to visit, They always brightened my day.

Matty and Alan got married almost a year after I was put here, I wasn't able to go but I was allowed extra supervised computer time so I could watch the videos they had made especially for me. It was beautiful, I wanted so badly to attend but I was stuck where I was. I felt cursed and I often experienced depression in this place. In the video Matty wore her beautiful platinum blonde hair down straight and very silky looking with a beautiful flower veil, her dress was gorgeous too it fit her perfectly. Her dress was white and the flowers from her veil gilded elegantly intertwined in her long veil and with her lacy dress it looked like something from a movie. Alan looked so handsome in his dark tux waiting down the aisle for his beautiful wife, his black hair was slicked back to show his handsome smooth face. His skin was usually pale like mine but that day his cheeks were red and he was practically glowing with happiness. One of the most beautiful moments of the video to me had to be the moment when he saw Matty all dressed up. She was a goddess, it was like he fell for her all over again. The way he looked at her made his love obvious, I hope one day someone looks at me the way Alan looks at Matty, he knows he is the luckiest man and I was so grateful to get to see this moment for them. They both deserved happiness and I was so happy for them both.

Tomorrow was my birthday and Matty already had a plan for tomorrow. She told me that there was a party she had set up for me and she wanted to take me around and show me the things that have changed while I've been here. I am a little nervous to get out too, this place is all I've known for two years. I have been mentally preparing myself for weeks in anticipation of this day, I knew I was going to go through an adjustment period though. My main concern was Willow, I thought about that sweet girl every day and I prayed to the goddess to keep her safe.

Matty tried to contact Danny several days after they took her, she actually got his number somehow and his address. When she called my brother apparently told her to fuck off and if she ever called again or showed up there that he would make sure there was nothing left of her to find. She wasn't sure if she meant her or Willow so she took his words seriously and stayed away the best she could, Matty instead has been helping me with our elaborate plan to save Willow from my brother. She tried her best to stay away for Willow's safety but she did end up driving into Firyro to map out our plan last summer. Danny had a beautiful modern home in a nice subdivision, they lived in the third row near the end. Matty didn't want to be seen so she had to drive by and pull off at the end of the road where they wouldn't be able to see them.

She said that Danny was getting out of his truck with his mate, who turns out to be heavily pregnant. After some research we found out her name was Cindy Fara Emello, she was apparently his mate and Matty also found out that he took her last name. I'm thinking he just wanted to get rid of the name Malone; it was connected to everything he hated. Me, father, and a little girl who has taken all the blame for something that is not her fault in the slightest. The fact he could look at her sweet face and blame her is beyond insane to me, it was no one's fault. Having children can be dangerous for women sometimes and no amount of preparation can change it. You can have everything in order and it still be dangerous, it is one of the biggest risks some women take. You give your whole body and soul for that little being, mom loved her even if she never got to hold her.

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