Part One

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Millions of years ago two races came down from the stars, one had a cold body and craved blood. A great and powerful species now known as Vampires. The other was a powerful allied species called witches, their original planet was also known as Earth, but It was hit by a massive asteroid and caused a cataclysm that swallowed the entire star system. A ship of 200 landed here, but a population of 400 was still devastating for our great people. We were once a planet of billions, without resources to build more than a few ships we couldn't take everyone. The greatest powers and oldest blood lines were first in line and the rest came from a random lottery. There isn't much left of our old world, but we still teach our children where we came from.

For hundreds of years the humans from this world ruled, we lived in secret with them. Until the day magic and our differences were revealed to everyone. The first sighting of magic was July 11th 20 years ago, when the vampires revolted. They were the first to declare war on the human world. This war changed the entire world structure, the war was called the Bloody Rising. It was one of the darkest days for humans and My kind (the werewolf kind) rose to the aid of humans. In return we grew to know each other as allies as we vanquished our enemies, who were once our allies.

But there are some who believe that the war isn't over and that the king of vampires will rise again more powerful than anyone could ever imagine. It was said that in the final battle, the vampire king was vaporized by a beautiful and powerful witch, the last witch. Her name was Eva and she was the daughter of the Moon Goddess, the most powerful witch from the oldest bloodline, the one who created werewolves and the first. Many died in the battle and Eva was one of the many who did, but her death is the most remembered.

We now have 4 werewolf kingdoms each kingdom has special elemental abilities;

The Terreo Kingdom is the Earth Kingdom, wolves from here tend to have power over the earth. Growing, creating, and manipulating Earth, they are our farmers most of our food comes from the Terreo. Earth wolves are known to be generous, passionate, and kind hearted.

The Hydua Kingdom is the Water Kingdom, wolves from here have power over water properties. Some wolves are born with more abilities than others, those with more abilities tend to be from more powerful bloodlines and have jobs in the kingdom's government system. Wolves from here tend to be powerful, adventurous, and brave.

The Firyro Kingdom is the Fire Kingdom, they have control over fire and some can even create fire. Some have to have fire available to control it, it really depends on the wolf. The Firyro is the kingdom that is turned to when there is war, from the moment they can walk they begin to train. The fire wolves are fighters, they are meticulous, strong, but short tempered.

The Aero Kingdom is the Air Kingdom, they have control over air, wind, and gas. The Aero can usually fly, it's one thing they usually brag about, flying is a very valued ability of the wolf kind. The wolves from this kingdom tend to be intelligent, courageous, and political.

The humans live in the kingdoms too, when the war was over they agreed the wolves would take government power a long time ago. They agreed the wolves would be the safest option just in case the vampires ever came back, we all have the same rights and live by the same laws. There are minimal issues with our situation, as wolves we feel the need to protect the humans. Like anyone else not every wolf is born a good wolf, and not every wolf agrees with the Alphas.

The wolves who become feral lose the human part of themselves, they lose their minds and by the end they are hell bent on destruction and chaos. A pack of feral's could mean war; they will stop at nothing to kill all who follow an alpha. Luckily they tend to be unintelligent so we can wipe them out before they become a bigger problem. When they get so aggressive they have a hard time hiding and our kingdom has a no tolerance policy on ferals, if you turn its a death sentence they are usually disposed of quickly.

The first level of power is the alphas from each kingdom, they are the ones who finalize laws in the kingdoms and keep the peace. There are 4 Alphas, The one who has ultimate power and made all big decisions like when to go to war or not was the Alpha Queen, she is our the highest level of our monarchy, she is the one who makes our way of life possible she is a wolf of great wisdom and power. She is closest to the moon goddess being of direct lineage to her. The moon goddess created our kind but she only had one child after Eva, it is said she didn't want the wolves to become too powerful so she made a law that can never be changed.

The Luna queen and her family are only allowed to have one child to pass the lineage on when they die if they have more than one historically they have to kill the child before adulthood. Morbid I know but it is the way of the people, you follow the law of the moon goddess or it is said the goddess will send the survivors a curse and when you eventually die they wouldn't be accepted into the afterlife. So the royal family had to be very careful with reproduction, the last time a queen had to make that hard decision was when a set of twins were accidentally born.

It was the current queen's mother who had to make that horrible choice, the Queen and king who had the twins were forced to choose between their children, they chose the smallest cub to give back to the moon goddess. It was the only way, we believed they would have a better life the next time around. The Alphas held a ceremony for the moon goddess to take the soul back to live a different life and gave the cub a poisons root. The root was almost instant, painless and often used in times of war so our warriors wouldn't have to suffer if their wound was fatal.

Our kind goes through something our people call the Awakening, In which we are given many tests to see where we belong in the kingdoms. The Awakening happens at about age 16, we get our abilities at about the same ages as our parents did. The more powerful the bloodline the sooner you get the abilities and your wolf. You usually only have one ability, alphas sometimes have two but the alpha queen has all four.

You are considered a cub if you are under 18, all children before they change are more or less human. It is the most fragile stage of our species, as long as a parent can get their kid to when they get their wolf. They will live a long and happy life of 300 years if they are lucky, we age sporadically but we are not immortal.

Our wolves come to us at about 15 for most, we also are able to feel our mates as soon as our wolf becomes a part of us. We have two chances at a mate but only if our first dies or has been rejected, the moon goddess made it this way so we would always have another chance at happiness. It was her gift to our kind after the first great war, she loved our species even if we weren't witches.

There are stories of wolves who forcibly mark other wolves who are not their mates, but the relationship is doomed from the start and is greatly frowned upon in our kingdoms. Rejection is low too because to us wolves, our mate is a part of our soul, to reject our mate means to reject part of who they are. For any that actually do go through with it usually means they will be banished from their kingdom, to live in the development areas and work in the factories. Some are so awful they are banished to the outlands, areas of our earth that are toxic. But If you harm your mate or kill them you are escorted to court and the queen executes any who harm their family. Our Luna queen is very protective over her people, she is about to pass the crown to her 100 year old daughter. Of course the Queen doesn't look 100, she looks about twenty her beautiful fiery beauty is known throughout the kingdoms.


Thank you to everyone who has followed my book as I work on it, and thank you to all who Vote, comment and share. I appreciate all of my amazing readers. 

If you where a wolf what kingdom would you want to be a part of?

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