I looked sadistic.
I felt sadistic.
I was sadistic.

I invaded his mind, ripping through it, digging around, resurfacing hurtful, painful memories.

His mother died of a rare gargoyle sickness. How sad! I brought them all up.

He screamed, clutching his head, fluttering around. The two holding me grips, now ice, were easy to get out off. Stilling staring at Drake, I twisted my wrist, gripping the wrist of my captors.

"Bye boys" I grinned, pulling their arms off cleanly, falling towards the ground.

I couldn't see said ground, only clouds. The breeze stung against my face as I began descending rapidly. Growls sounded behind me, altering me that they were coming. I broke through a cloud, and saw the ground.

It was times like this that I wished that I could fly. I might not die, but my body will definitely be broken.

A flash of golden light drew my attention. Squinting, I looked off in the distance through my now free whipping hair. A herald sounded and the angels descended, flying towards the gargoyles, swords in hand.

I was surprised to see them. They weren't necessarily violent and only fought when they absolutely had to.

A shot of pain tore my attention away. Twisting my head, I saw my leg bleeding. Drake was behind me, growling.

"Your going to die. I'm going to kill you" he fluttered his wings rapidly, increasing his speed.

The ground was rapidly approaching, and Drake was getting closer. I needed to think something up. And fast.

I didn't get around to that, because just then, a big golden wing angel appeared and swooped me up in his arms, disappearing.

Oh wow.

I looked at my savior, smiling grateful. He was golden all over, making it kind of hard to look at him. He was flying towards the ground, near the council house were the wards were close to collapsing.

"Thank you"

"Not a problem Katrina Dblanc. I had to save you for you to save everyone. The Rogue King isn't near done yet. You should go" he set me down gently on the ground. The witch and everyone in the vicinity was gapping at him. With one last nod, he flew off back into the sky.

I looked around, trying to figure out where to go. Looking at my leg, I could see that it was slowly healing. That bastard sunk his talons deep.  Adriano's fighters were dwindling. And gargoyles were falling from the sky rapidly.  They were losing. I went to witch nearby.

"Where is Alberto?"

"They are all in the council house, protecting the elders and children. We didn't have time to evacuate. And these wards can't hold any longer"

Thanking her, I checked on my mate. He was pissed at me for disappearing. I could feel it. He must have picked up on me, because not a second later, he appeared with Kass, Yakima, Dynasti and Jace.

Everyone except him crowed me, asking if I was OK. He was staring at me, the muscle in his jaw ticking.

"You were in the air. I could feel it. Is your leg OK" Yakima was circling me, looking at my leg.

"Why did you run away?" I glared at her. "If you had stayed, it would have been easier to kill them together. I wouldn't have had to almost fall to my death to get away"

"I was scared. And you were taunting them. I was thinking. I just ran" she hung her head, guilty.

"Who did you kill to make them so angry?" Dynasti asked. She looked good, Even though she was bloody.

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