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I ran home and into another set of people I was trying to avoid. Upon arriving home, Alberto, Jac,Kass and Jace stood in the hallway waiting for me.

I glared at them all.

Jac walked up to me and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Kat"

What is she sorry for. She  didn't piss me off.

"Those guys had no right in telling you to do that"

Kass and Jace looked guilty.

I rolled my eyes. It was cool I guess. Now that I'm all calm, not much can piss me off.

"Its OK"

They both looked relived.

Dumb siblings.

"Is that all?" I asked. I really needed a shower. And I needed to call Tony, the dirty asshole. He had to know who my mate was and that I was gonna find him.

What kind of stupid oracle was he anyway.

"No. We need to talk Kat. About everything. About why you came back all of a sudden. About were you've been. About everything" Alberto stated.

"Fine. We'll talk once I'm clean"

I walked away from them. I walked into my room, striped down and went into the shower. The cool water over my heated skin felt like heaven.

Once I was done, I dried off and pulled on a pair of ripped shorts and a red crap top. Walking down the stairs, I saw Kass and Jace sitting around the table. Alberto and Jac were nowhere to be seen. I asked were they were

"They went to hunt" Kass said. She couldn't quite look me in the eye.


I walked to the kitchen and started to make myself a fruit salad. I wasn't all that hungry. Grabbing the bowl, I went back to the room.

Jace and Kass were stealing looks at me. I rolled my eyes. This was ridiculous.

"What is it?" I asked them, munching on a piece of apple.

"Uhm... It... Its nothing" Kass stuttered.

"Bullshit. What is it?"

"What are you really?" Jace straight up asked.

Now there's a no bullshit kinda guy.

Kass and Jace were looking at me expectantly.

Sigh. This is going to be a long night.

"I'm not a normal vampire. But I am a vampire"

"Not normal. That would mean your one of the Chosen"

The were both gaping at me. I rolled my eyes. They were wrong.

"No I'm not. I'm not a Chosen. My mother is a Chosen. I'm different"

"B-b-ut that's impossible. How can you not be a Chosen and not a regular vamp. What the hell are you then?" Kass had this super confused look on her face.

Still munching on my fruits, I said," I'll explain when everyone's here"

"OK fine", Jace agreed,"so your mom is a Chosen. Where is she and why aren't the Chosen here anymore? Vampires can't die that easily,so I can only imagine for the Chosen"

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