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It has been a week since Tony called me.

A week since I found out that Antonio was dead.

A week since I told Tony that I would come home.

A week since my phone has not stopped ringing..

  And what a fucked up week it has been!

All I did since then was drink , watch my series and sleep. I knew it was Tony, maybe wondering when I was coming back to New Orleans. But I wasn't ready to just yet. I was going to go when I was ready to. I loved the life I made for my self here in England. It was lonely but it was mine. For the last 150 year that I have been here I've really made I life for myself.

  I arrived in the Victorian era. I was and still is a skilled healer so I worked as a doctor- helping people and such. As the time progressed, I progressed with it, becoming a modern day doctor and working until I had enough that I didn't have to work another day in my life.

After that, I set out to do what I left home to do in the first place.

Find my real mother.
I had a bath and went into my walk in closet, looking for an outfit to wear to the bar tonight. Ruffling through my numerous dresses, I picked out a mid thigh dark blue dress and a pair of dark blue 6" heels.

Walking out the closet, I went to my vanity dresser and sat down to do my face and hair. Once done, I slipped on the dress and shoes. I grabbed my purse, locked the house and made my way into the garage were I hoped in my black Mercedes, making my way to the bar.
An hour later, I was already through five glasses of Martini.

"You must be really stressed over something" Peter said, handing me my sixth glass.

"You got that right babe"

"Well" he said pouring another Martini and placing it in front of me" the more the merrier"

Laughing, I downed my drink and reached for the next one. I hoped the alcohol would at least take my mind off the upsets in my life. I knew that if I really wanted to forget I'd want blood.

Fresh from the source.

I haven't had fresh blood for a long time. I got my dosage from the blood bank. I knew what fresh blood did to me so I avoided it unless I truly had to have it.

And I really wanted it now.

Looking around the bar, I tried to find someone to feed on.

The bar was half full and most of them were already drunk. Subtly sniffing the air, I tried to see if anyone had my favourite blood type: O+.
What I smelled, however, was not what what I was expecting.

What the hell is a wolf doing here.

The woodsy smell stuck out from the normal smell of humans.

It wasn't even the attractive woodsy smell..... Ewww.

Glancing around, I found the source of the god awful smell(not that all wolf smelt bad).

  Strutting in like he owned the place, he stopped at the other end of the bar. With his face upturned, you could know he was sniffing for a supernatural like himself.

Pity he's not gonna find me that easy.

Obviously not detecting anything, he ordered a drink. Sipping on my Martini, I looked at him.

He was tall and thick, obviously a beta or even maybe an alpha. He had short black hair and a very serious, gruesome looking face.

Wonder what he wants.

This was the first time that a supernatural had been at the bar. This could be good or bad.

I had a strong feeling it would be bad.

  Wanting to test my theory, I unmasked my scent.

Immediately, his eyes snapped in my direction, his entire body tense.

   Picking up his drink, he made his way over to my end of the bar.

"Hello there beautiful"

Oh my...... Does that really work for him with his crusty voice.

"Hey there babe"

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this"

"I could ask you the same thing babe"

"I'm just here. Looking for someone"

"Really..... Did you find her yet?"

"Yes. Now come with me. Slowly. No funny games"

A sharp silver knife was currently at my side. And the bastard that had it there was smirking..... Smirking..... at me.

He does not know who he is messing with... Does he??!!

Draining my glass, I stood up, grabbed my shit and made my way out of the bar.

"Leaving already Kat" Peter called out.

"Yea babe.... I'm going away for a while. See you when I get back"

"You know were to find me sweetheart"

Waving bye, I walked out the bar with wolf boy.

  The chilly night air wrapped around my body, warming my hot body. .

The street was full of life with people doing whatever they pleased. The sky was covered in clouds , the stars and half moon no where to be seen.

  Nudging me in my back, Wolfy lead me up the block and into a alley way.

Damn. Things are going to get ugly. And what a beautiful night it was.


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