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She didn't even bother to let us change into regular clothes. Grabbing my hand, she teleported us to door of Alberto's house. The people that were still loitering around the scene, along with a few supernatural police officers, mouths fell open in shock. A little girl tugged at her mother's clothes and said,

"Mom. They just appeared. And the have crowns. Are they princesses?"

The mother picked the little girl up and shushed her, whilst staring at us.

I rolled my eyes and glared at my mom.

"We could have changed you know. Now your just drawing attention to us"

"Its better we hurry and get in the house then" she said with a roll of her brown eyes, so like mine.

I pushed open the door and closed it behind Kalanna. I could hear Alberto and Terrence's voice in the kitchen talking. I could also smell that delectable scent that only came from one person. His deep timbre voice then imputed something in the conversation. Deep, sweet shivers travelled all over my body.

My mate is here.

I was totally expecting him to be here so I need to get my shit together and stop behaving like a naïve innocent school girl.

I glanced at my mom. She was looking as beautiful and serene as ever, but I could sense that she was nervous. She hadn't seen my dad in years, and she did love him one time.

I grasped her hand in mine.

"Everything's gonna go fine mom"

I think.

"Of course it will honey" she smiled at me.

Taking a deep breathe, I pushed open the door to the kitchen.

To say the room fell silent was an understatement. Kalanna and I stood side by side, looking at everyone in the room.

The council sat around the table, looking at my mother, with mouths agape, everyone but the seer. She looked at me and winked.

Kass and Jace sat at the counter with Alberto, Jac, Sandra, Terrence, a few of his pack members, the incubi twins and finally Alexandro.

I tried not to let my eyes linger on him but damn was it hard. His hair looked tousled and he looked pissed and kinda worried.

About me?!

His eyes raked my body, I could feel his desire flare. I tore my eyes away from him and focused on my family.

Alberto was staring at Kalanna, a thousand and one emotions flickering across his face.

My mom stepped forward, a mischievous smile on her face. She was enjoying this.

"Hello everyone. I am Kalanna Brice. It's nice to meet you"
It took and entire hour for the room to calm itself. After my mom's introduction, questions stared firing rapidly.

The council wanted to know were she has been if she's here to stay.

Jac just wanted to know her.

Kass and Jace were still shell shocked.

But Alberto. He was strangely calm and quiet. Looking at mom with narrowed eyes and pursed lips.

The Gargoyles rep of the council, the asshole, was barking orders and commanding my mother.

I had already taken a seat, and were sure my eyes were going to fall out if I continued rolling them.

Kalanna ignored him, eyes only set on Alberto. I was getting tired of the stupid questions, so I shut everyone up with a flick of my wrist.

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