Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Hinata could smell Sasuke's fresh-smelling cologne evidently in the air. He had his right hand over her shoulder while his left was gripping the handle above their heads as the bus moved. She liked how he smelled right now. His cologne wasn't strong, but soft, yet had this smell that gave him a classy feel.

Hinata looked up to Sasuke. She always had to tilt her head up whenever she wanted to look at his face from a close distance. He was six foot tall and she barely passed through his shoulders. She frowned, sometimes she wished she could be at least a little bit taller.

Sasuke had no expression whatsoever plastered on his face. As usual, he was stoic and emotionless. His eyes looked only at one direction- the window in front of them. Hinata looked away, looking out the window just like what Sasuke was doing.

The bus moved at a controlled pace. She could see few people walking on the sidewalk. They were starting another day in Konoha, like what people sitting or standing inside the bus were doing. Honestly there were some empty seats in the bus, but Sasuke and Hinata gave them to some old couple who left on the previous stop. Now that the old couple was gone, they didn't feel like sitting down anymore. Their stop was close, maybe two or three more minutes.

Konoha High was two stops away from where they live. After riding the bus and stopping at the closest bus stop to the school, they would need to walk for another five minutes to reach the school grounds. It wasn't that far, knowing how much further she had to travel before she lived together with Sasuke under the same roof to reach the school.

"Hinata," Sasuke called, his voice barely audible. He didn't like to talk loudly to her in front of many people, even their friends, because he didn't like it when they said he was acting out of character, except for her, of course.

"Y-Yes?" She wasn't expecting Sasuke to call her all of a sudden and breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"You know about the basketball competition today, right?"

Right. Sasuke had requested to be woken up extra early today because of the basketball practice in the morning before the actual competition later in the evening. He was skilled and an excellent player to be accepted in the team, but he wasn't the captain, that dog-lover named Kiba was. No one could compete against Kiba when it came to craziness, hyperactivity and energy. Maybe the only guy that could was Naruto, but he was too dense and slow to actually play basketball.

"Yes, why?" Hinata questioned. Of course she knew, she had heard about it several times from Sasuke and Kiba, one of her best friends who couldn't stop talking about how he was excited and couldn't wait for the day to come.

"Do you really want to wait until it finishes?" He looked down, staring at her curious light lavender orbs covered by her thick and long lashes that naturally curled upwards. "You know if you don't, you can go-"

"Sasuke-kun, I'll wait."

Sasuke blinked from surprise, he wasn't expecting her to cut him off. Hinata had this look in her eyes that showed strong passion, determination and an emotion that sent adrenaline rushing through his body and he knew the team must win the game. He smiled at her and in a lightning speed, bent down and pressed his lips on hers, making her blush furiously.


"Relax, princess," he smirked.

Hinata sighed, once calmed down, she spoke again, "I-I'll cheer on the team..."

He nodded.

And at the same time, differencing only in a matter of seconds, the bus stopped and the two automatic doors on the left side slid open. They were the first to walk out as they stood right in front of it.

Hinata rearranged her outfit and walked beside Sasuke, her straight long hair blown away by the wind. Sasuke had one of his earphone buds stuck on his ear.

Hinata's heart pounded when she felt a warm, obviously larger hand pressing against her smaller ones. She looked down and saw Sasuke's hand holding onto hers, their fingers intertwined. His hand was larger, rough- calloused, but warm. Hers fit perfectly in his and she liked it.

They walked in a comfortable silence, turning to streets after streets and crossing the road once before seeing the tall, modern-looking building in the distance. There were students walking together in groups, talking and laughing at what one of them said as they entered. But it wasn't crowded yet, moreover, the school looked deserted- it was still one hour earlier than the actual time to come.


The words were written with oil-black ink, the large sign was hung on top of the school gate. As they entered, some girls, who were Sasuke's fans screamed when they saw him.

Sasuke just had that amount of attractiveness to actually have his own group of fans. In their eyes, he was the king. But Sasuke could care less about that. He had no interest in any other girl instead of Hinata and only Hinata.

Unconsciously, Hinata tightened the grip of her hand on Sasuke's. From the corner of his eyes, Sasuke watched as Hinata glared daggers at the oblivious girls. He smirked.

Hinata slowly changed a lot over the years, she was a little braver than before, she also had more courage to speak out her opinions and her stuttering had lessen, although they were still there sometimes. He had influenced her in so many ways and he had also changed her. But Hinata was still that innocent and shy young woman that everyone adored.

And how he was able to get this pure little flower was still a question. But that wasn't important anymore. What mattered was that Sasuke got her heart and he loved her so much, and he knew that she loved him back as much.


Hinata wondered what to do. Sasuke had just left to the gym, having changed into his basketball jersey. She was now alone inside the classroom and had nothing to do. She thought maybe she could clean the classroom, arrange the tables and chairs but when she looked around the lonely room, everything was in such perfect order that it looked surreal. Her class was that one class that teachers frequently talked about, that one class that always takes things lightly and that one class which kind of always slacked off- boys never doing homework, barely listening to teachers and all that.

But she would never ever transfer to another class. She loved her homeroom, everyone was so friendly and got along really well with each other. Her class was that one class which students were super close to each other and always looking out for each other's backs. They were more like brothers and sisters rather than classmates. 

Hyuga Hinata sighed and stood up from her seat, a seat right next to the large window. She walked out of the classroom, walking around aimlessly in the hallway. 


Hey guys! So this is the second chapter of Existence. Do you like it? Please comment below, criticism is fine, compliments will be appreciated. Please don't forget to vote by clicking the small box on the upper right corner of the screen which has a star on it. Oh yeah, and fan me~


Existence [SasuHina fanfiction]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें