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Jennie Gabe

"Last frame... And that's a wrap!" The photographer shouted then lowered his camera.

I sighed in relief as the rest of the staff chanted. The photographer came to me and offered me his hand. I accepted his hand and he helped me stood up. He hugged me then spoke.

"Amazing, Jennie!"

He said then pulled away from the hug.

"Models like you really make my work easy!" He said that made me giggled.

I thanked him as I walked into the dressing room. I got in, change some clothes and right after, the make-up artist and hair stylist took full responsibility of my beauty. We talked for a bit when Garrett came in to congratulate me for another successful photo shoot. Minutes passed when one of the staffs went in.

"Ms. Gabe, for you." She said then gave me a small box, wrapped with a ribbon.

I accepted it from her and laid it on the table. I untied the ribbon and opened the box. All of us gasped when we saw what's in it. It was a dead cat, covered by its own blood. At the back of the cover of the box, there was a note.

"Told you I can do worse!"


I grabbed the handle of the one-sided mirror glass door and opened it. I then saw Zayn making out with Gigi on his desk.

"OH MY!" I shouted as I quickly covered my eyes and turned around. "I know! I should've knock! I'll go back!" I said but Zayn called me.

I ignored him and swiftly exited his office. I saw Garrett standing outside while texting when he noticed my presence.

"Done?" He asked but I didn't answer instead, I pulled his hand to the office.

"I need back-up." 

I walked back to Zayn's office and entered again with Garrett. I saw Zayn buttoning up his shirt while Gigi's finger combing her hair. I glanced at Garrett who just squeezed my hand. He grinned then mouthed "Caught in the act?"

I awkwardly chuckled then Zayn spoke. "Garrett, what brings the two of you here?" He asked while gesturing his hand to the seats.

Garrett pulled me and we sat. 


Garrett trailed off while Zayn sit on his swivel chair. Garrett glanced at me first and I lightly shook my head, I don't want him to say anything about the magazine I received.

"Did you gave Jennie's contacts to anyone in particular?" He asked that made me silently sighed.

"No. Why would I?" He answered.

"Okay! Let's go!" I shouted and stood up but Garrett pushed me on my seat. 

"He needs to know." He sternly said that made me looked down.

He handed his phone to him and Zayn accepted it. He looked through the phone, assuming the pictures of the 'gift', and momentously stealing glances to me. I kept my head down and heard Zayn sighed.

"Gigi, could you check if the handwriting's familiar?" He asked and handed the phone to Gigi.

She scanned it with her eyes as I feel Zayn's staring at me. "Jessica left some trash with her writings on her desk. I could ask help from Anthony if he can compare her writings to these." 

"Please." Zayn said and Gigi nodded as she walked out of the office. "I would really recommend giving her bodyguards, Garrett." He suggested then I looked at Garrett.

He caught my eyes and begged him to deny his offer. He sighed before speaking. "Great suggestion, Zayn. But I don't want Jennie to feel uncomfortable at work. You see, the only men that really respected her is her father and me. The rest just wanted her sexually."

I saw in my peripheral vision that he looked at me but I looked away so I couldn't see it.

Does he know he's one of those guys? 

"I understand." He said, understanding what Garrett said then Gigi walked in.

"It is Jessica's, sir."

Gigi started.

"She also sent us a threat saying she'll reveal your real relationship to Ms. Gabe and will expose your..." She cleared her throat before continuing. "...sexual interaction with each other." She looked down as Zayn sighed in frustration.

"Could you find any ways to stop her or anythin'?" Zayn asked.

"We'll try, sir." Gigi answered.

"I'll help." Garrett said that made me looked at him with wide eyes.

Zayn thanked him as Garrett and Gigi walked out of the office. 

"Jennie." Zayn called my name but I didn't bother to look.

I heard him standing up from his swivel chair and walked in front of me. He knelt with one knee and gently grabbed my chin so I can meet his eyes.

"You okay?" He asked with concern. Wait, concern?! YEAH, RIGHT?!

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

"You sure?" He asked again.

Instead of risking to stutter again, I nodded as a response. 

"Sorry for making you experience these kind of things." He said then looked down. I shook my head before speaking.

"It's not your fault." I told him then he looked at me. "Seriously, I'm okay." I reassured him and he smiled at me.

He caressed my cheek and I leaned closer to kiss his lips. He placed his hand on hair to deepen the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We were obviously enjoying the kiss when I remember the image I saw earlier of him and Gigi making out. 
I pulled away and stood up. I walked away from him as I ran my fingers to my hair in frustration. I felt his hand grabbed my forearm then turned me around to him.

"Everything's gonna be alright." He said and I just nodded. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me...

And honestly, I've never felt more protected and... Safe.

***** A/N: Guyseu, it's been a while... 300M VIEWS OF 'AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST'!🖤 And, I was starting a new story that's why I'm not around much... Hehe 😁*****

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