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Jennie Gabe

I woke up still feeling sick so I decided to go to the kitchen and eat. I walked outside my room and down the stairs. Just then, I saw Zayn Malik flirting with his assistant again on the couch of the living room that made me scoffed. I walked to the kitchen and greeted by Kim.

"Morning, your highness. Breakfast?"

She asked while I sit on a chair. "No thanks. I don't have any appetite." I said while I caressed my head.

"But you need to eat." She said.

"Well, I lost my appetite just by seeing your boss getting all giggly with his assistant." I said with disgust.

She chuckled that made me furrow my brows to her. "Are you jealous?"

I was taken aback by her question so I answered her after I recovered. "NO! EWW! Why would I?!"


"Really." I assured her. "Besides, I don't care how many girls he f*ck. Include my mother if he wants! As long as he gives me back my phone."

"Why? He has it?" She asked while sitting on the chair in front of me.

I nodded before answering. "He 'confiscated' it as if I'm a teenager and as if I'm his daughter." I said while rolling my eyes.

"He's trying to take good care of you by temporarily removing stress in a small device that is always beside you." She said then giggled.

"Whatever. I won't talk to him until he gives me back my phone."

I said with a hint of boredom from my voice. Kim stood up from her seat while throwing her arms in air, surrendering. Then, Zayn walked in the kitchen with his assistant, both looking a mess.

"Good morning, Jennie. Have you eaten breakfast?" He asked but I ignored him, stood up from my chair and walked to the living room.


"Are you kidding me?!" I asked frustratingly when they revealed who the Black Hood is. I have been binge-watching Riverdale in Netflix and this is so wrong! There is no way that he's the Black Hood, I am not convinced. You won't fool me, Netflix! I clicked on the next episode of Riverdale to play it then I nuzzled myself with my blanket.

I am laying on my bed in my bedroom and watching Netflix in my television instead in the living room. I mean, they've been f*cking on that couch and expect me to sit on there. NO WAY B*TCH. I'm in the part where they announce that South Side High has been shut down and students will be transferring to Riverdale High when someone knocked on my door.

The person didn't wait for me to respond when he opened the door right after he knocked. I pretended to not notice who walked in my room and spoke.

"If you're an assh*le named Zayn then you are not allowed inside my room." I said that made him sigh and closed the door behind him.

"This is my house, Jen." He said that made me looked at him. I reached for the remote to pause what I'm watching and sat up.

"Well then, I should leave." I said while I remove the blanket on me but he rushed to me and held my forearm.

"Why did you became a b*tch all of a sudden?" He asked that made me fake a gasp.

"I never stop being a b*tch, Mr. Malik." I said, batting my eyelashes and faking a smile while I pull my arm from his grip. He sat on my bed, beside me but I moved further from him.

"Look, if you're angry at me because I have your phone..." I looked at him mid-sentence, hoping his sentence will turn good. "... it's for your sake." He continued that made me groaned.

"If you're not going to give back my phone, then just go f*ck your assistant." I said furiously without looking at him. I heard him chuckled then his fingers landed on my chin to turn my face of him.

"So jealousy is the root of all these b*tchiness?" He asked with a smirk on his lips, finding the situation amusing but I remove his fingers on me.

"The word 'jealousy' is not in my vocabulary." I said but he just chuckled again.

"I'm telling you once again, you're a terrible liar." He said while moving closer to me.

He put some of my hair behind and leaned closer to my neck. He left soft kisses on it all the way to my jawline and cheek.

He continue to kiss me while his hand traveled to the hem of my shirt. He finally kissed me on the lips while his hand went inside my shirt, touching my stomach all the way to my breasts. He cupped my breast and softly pinched my nipple, making me gasp that he took advantage of by inserting his tongue in my mouth.

I kissed back, feeling his winning smirk on his lips while he continue to play with my breasts. When he was done with my breasts, he remove his hands off me as soon as he was done kissing me.

"I would f*ck you right now but I'd rather do it when you're feeling better." He said while a smirk form his lips and his thumb drawing circles on my cheek.

"I'm still angry to you. And since you can't f*ck me, go f*ck your human sex doll."

"Jennie..." He started but I cut him off.

"Get the f*ck out, Zayn."


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