Chapter 20: Family Feuds

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Kinoko growled at the feeling of being in line for an endless eternity.

"Man! How long does it take to fix a stupid machine!" She complained along with other contestants.

Gohan looked back at her with a frown, "I don't know."

Videl glanced at some men behind them who were chatting about the previous match. She then looked back over at the Saiyans, "I heard the name Goten, we're missing your brothers match."

Gohan nodded. "Bummer."

Kinoko crossed her arms and glared off at the side. "I wish Vegeta wouldn't have knocked the... You know what... Out of the machine."

Gohan nodded in agreement and his attention was turned to the front, "Excuse me! You there, repairing the machine! What's up?!" Gohan yelled.

The worker looked back at Gohan, "I'm sorry but repairing these machines take time."

The Saiyan teens groaned.

"At least it can't get worse." Gohan said.

Kinoko rubbed her left temple, "I hope your right..."



ChiChi set the twins on her lap as they cheered along with everyone else for their uncle Goten.

"How cute. They're cheering for Goten."

Bulma smiled but then glared at a large lady sitting next to her.

"Small pint!" She yelled to Goten. "Tear him up Ikose! Remember what happened to your brother! Show no mercy!"

ChiChi looked to her then her son in the ring. "GOTEN! Relax you'll do fine!"

Ikose's mother messed with her glasses while glaring at ChiChi. "That tiny preschool tot is nothing compared to my big strong Ikose!" She bragged.

The twins narrowed their eyes at this strange women since she kept yelling. Just like their mother, they didn't like loud people.

Bulma smirked at the fat lady. "Hey, wasn't it my little boy who knocked out cold your other son?"

The big woman growled and got in Bulma's face. "HE GOT LUCKY THAT WAS IT!"

She sat back in her seat only to see her 14 year old son, Ikose, get knocked out by 7 year old Goten with one light punch.

The twins giggled and raised their arms as they cheered for their uncle. ChiChi and Bulma both made faces at the fat lady who was in complete and utter shock. Once she noticed the faces Bulma was making, she clenched her teeth and growled.

"I'm going to kill you!" She declared.

As she was going forwards ChiChi stood up still holding the twins who both raised their legs up and kicked the large women down.

ChiChi smirked proudly. "Well now, I know strength runs in the family."

Niku and Hiru covered their mouths as they giggled.


After a short while, the news of Goten's victory match was spreading to the line Kinoko and Gohan were still waiting in.

"Guys did you hear that? Goten won isn't that amazing?!" Videl exclaimed.

Gohan nonchalantly nodded, "mhm."

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