Chapter 21: Matches

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Gohan and Kinoko couldn't help but to chuckle when they saw Trunks knock Mr. Satan out of the ring. The so called 'champ' was indented upside down into the brick wall as the crowd was silent and in shock. When he fell forwards on the ground, Kinoko winced humorously.

"The poor fool didn't see it coming." She smirked.

The Saiyan teens looked over to Videl who's eyes were wider than anyone's. "O-one punch... Father!"

"He might need a little ice." Gohan said.

"Or a lot." Kinoko continued.

Videl couldn't even blink in shock. Gohan grinned and waved to her.

"Well we'll see you later, give your dad aspirin I think that might help him swell down the pain."

Videl looked over at him, "huh?"

Kinoko grinned, "He means that... Well that punch is gonna leave a mark." She glanced down at Hercule who was struggling to get up. "A big mark. But hey, there's a weakling in every family am I right?"

He grabbed Kinoko's hand pulling her back. "See ya!" He said to Videl.

"Funny how Trunks pulled that one." Gohan admitted.

Kinoko smiled when their fingers interlaced. She always liked that feeling. "Maybe, if you're lucky and make it to the finals, you can teach him a lesson for taking the credit for Cell."

Gohan smirked. "He's been embarrassed enough, I'll just knock him silly a couple of times before winning."

Kinoko chuckled, "well he deserves it."

"Hey Kin, don't worry. When I win I'll let you play with my championship belt from time to time."

The Saiyan girl smirked a bit. "I've played with your belt before Gohan, it's no champion."

He blushed and chuckled as they walked off to where his father and the others were.


At the restaurant Vegeta and Goku were stuffing their faces. Hiru was sitting next to Goku and watched with a bit of disgust. Piccolo and 18 sat there with bored expressions on their faces. And Mirai along with Krillin couldn't help but to watch in shock.

"You know grandfather... You eat a lot for well... A dead guy."

Goku finished slurping up the noodles he was eating and smiled widely. Hiru flinched in disgust.

"You know! That's exactly what King Kai always tells me, but what can I say! I just love to eat."

Kinoko and Gohan appeared at the door frame and smiled at the scent.

"Finally." Kinoko said.

Gohan grinned, "cool, it's chow time."

They walked in the restaurant and were greeted by Goku when he took notice of them.

"Gohan, Kin! Hey alright! How'd the fight go guys?"

Kinoko smirked, "Trunks beat the poor fool with one punch."

A small smirk appeared on Vegeta's lips which wasn't missed by Mirai. But of course he didn't say anything.

Gohan nodded, "yeah, but everybody thinks he lost the match on purpose just to be a gentlemen."

Krillin shut his eyes and smiled a little, "what a guy huh?" He re-opened them and pointed up, "he should get an academy award for that one!"

Himself, Kinoko, Gohan, Hiru and Goku all began to chuckle. Goku swallowed the food he had in his mouth.

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