Chapter 17: Flying Lessons

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A/N; A REMINDER! This is strictly Gohan/OC! He has no romantic feelings for Videl in this fic whatsoever! One more thing, I'm not gonna be to descriptive on the true flying lessons but I'll fill you in within the chapter!

When the Saiyans returned home they saw that Videl had just landed but she had also already gotten into an argument with ChiChi.

"My Gohan is a commited man to his family and if you think he'll want to go on a date with you you're sadly mistaken missy!" ChiChi yelled.

"I don't want to go on a date with him! He said he'd teach me to fly!" Videl responded.

ChiChi grunted and crossed her arms, "He can't give you lessons he's far to busy preparing for the tournament!"

Kinoko chuckled at the sight and looked to the twins who had fallen asleep in Gohan's arm's. She grabbed them and looked to Goten.

"Could you put the twins in their bed, Goten?"

The young boy nodded, "sure. Let's go twins."

He held them carefully and followed ChiChi into the home after she told off Videl. The teenage human girl growled angrily until she looked back at the Saiyan teens who had arrived.

Gohan let out a breath, "hello Videl."

Kinoko rose an eyebrow. "How did you find this address."

The pig-tailed girl placed her hips on her fists and smirked. "Simple, I looked you up in the student directory."

Kinoko's eyes fell to slits. "Stalker." She accused.

Gohan held back a chuckle.

Videl ignored Kinoko's comment and looked to Gohan. "Listen up, just cause you didn't go to school doesn't mean your out of the deal you're still going to teach me how to fly." She demanded.

"That's fine, I promised to do it and that's that." Gohan alleged.

Videl narrowed her eyes, "you know another thing that got my attention was that Kinoko has the same address you do."

"Well that because she lives here." Gohan said with slight humor in his voice.

"But, once again, it's none of your business where I live." Kinoko growled.

Videl's eyes widened before going back to normal.

Goten came running back out with a smile. "I'm ready!"

"Alright, let's get started." Gohan said.

Kinoko sat crisscrossed on the ground behind Gohan as Goten and Videl stood in front of him.

"I've only really done this once before..." He began, "but teaching won't be so hard. Anyways, to fly, basically you put your energy underneath you and it holds you up. It's simple.

Kinoko smirked, "a toddler could do it."

Videl narrowed her eyes at the Saiyan girl before looking up at Gohan, "this energy business. What are you talking about?"

Gohan scratched his head. "Well you see it's like this, it's that power you can feel inside your body and-"

"WHAT?!" Videl interrupted. "Who are you to be talking about my body?!" She yelled.

Goten chuckled nervously a bit.

Kinoko rolled her eyes. 'So full of herself...'

Gohan groaned and scratched his head. Teaching Videl was going to be difficult. Maybe even more difficult than when he taught Kinoko how to control her power.

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