"Come on sweetheart, how about you come on back out here. The fella's are only here because of you, how about you come and make a presence." Angry's voice boomed through the doorway. He didn't even need to open the door to be heard, he was loud enough as it was. Besides, no one could miss his tone of voice and fluent Australian accent.

Living after midnight, rockin' to the dawn
Lovin' 'til the morning, then I'm gone, I'm gone

"Oh alright." I sigh, no where near loud enough for my father to hear me. Again attempting to fix my appearance and adjust my posture, I held a fake smile onto my face. This ought to do it, I'm sure they wouldn't be able to look pass this. I looked happy right? No fucking way. Ripping my eyes from the mirror, I slowly trod to the bathroom door. I stopped short of the door, staring at it momentarily before renching it open. The volume of the music blasted twice as loud, and I found myself getting half blinded by the disco light that turned on and off.

"See, told ya the lights would attract her. Sue's a party gal!" Steven's cheery voice shouted from one end of the club.

I'm aiming for ya,
I'm gonna floor ya
My body's coming
All night long

"Come on baby-girl." Angry appeared from nearby and gently grasped onto my hand. "Let's all have a drink together." Without disagreeing, I held onto Angry's hand as we approached the pool table. Slash and Duff were taking on Vince and Tommy, by the look of all of their expressions Vince and Tommy were winning.

"Hey, hey. There we are, how you doing Sue?" Mick's smiling face was the first to greet me at the bar. If I was going to do this, I needed a drink, a big and very strong drink.

The air's electric, sparkin' power,
loaded, loaded
I'm getting hotter by the hour,
loaded, loaded

"Oh yeah, absolutely great Mick." I say in the most cheery tone I could gather. But even I knew that wasn't good enough as Mick's smile faded. Obviously I was more translucent than I had gathered, great.

"How about we get you a drink?" Mick suggests, turning to the barmaid.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Angry answers for me. I suppose getting drunk didn't sound like a bad idea at this stage.

I set my sights and then home in
The joint starts flying when I begin
Living after midnight, rockin' to the dawn
Lovin' 'til the morning, then I'm gone, I'm gone

Before I knew it, I was holding an entire body of straight whiskey. Something that the barmaid gave me to me with a sympathetic look, so she obviously knew what was going on. I was surprised that the guys weren't busy chatting her up, she wasn't an ugly girl, she was a very attractive strawberry-blonde haired woman.

"I see you've got your poison, feeling a little better Suzie?" Slash asks, he seemed to of snuck up on me. Even if I was staring directly at him. Boy I was really out of it, maybe getting drunk isn't such a great idea.

"Yeah, I'm fine Slash. How about yourself?" I return the question before taking a chug of the whiskey. Bad idea it was too, it burnt like a bitch all the way down my throat.

Living after midnight, rockin' to the dawn
Lovin' 'til the morning, then I'm gone, I'm gone

"To be totally honest, a bit bummed out but hey we still got you for a couple more hours." Slash answers, sliding in between Angry and I and leaning against the bar.

"Suppose so." I nodded.

"So, did everything go alright with you and Nik?" Mick moved to where Angry was previously stood. Angry had backed off and decided to take the micky out of Duff and now Steven. So Slash must have ditched Duff half way through the game, poor guy

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