20: Thu-Thump

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Phoenix doesn't know how to feel. Tears are streaming down his face, but he doesn't care. His hands shake as he smooths some loose hairs from Valkyrie's face. Despite the blood on her face and the pale coolness of her skin, she's still beautiful.

The bullet wound in his abdomen is throbbing and he can feel the warmth of blood trailing down his side, but it doesn't matter.

Nothing matters without her.

"I love you," he cries, his voice thick and raw. "Please, you promised. You promised you wouldn't leave me."

Kaj is sitting in front of them, his eyes watering as well. He loved Valkyrie too, albeit in a different way, but still.

He can't believe that she's gone. She was always the one who was larger than life, the one who seemed invincible, who could never lose. She was always the strongest and she was their unofficial leader for a reason. She cared more about others than she did herself and she always put others before herself. She was smart and strong and powerful. She never lost. She was untamable, unable to be broken, always full of spirit. It seems so cruel, so incredibly wrong, for her to die. It's as if something precious has been ripped from the world and the hole left in it's wake is gaping.

Kaj gets to his feet slowly and decides to give them some time. He knew that he needed it with Eira, so it's only fair to give the same. He walks back into the forest to get their people and let them know that the battle is over.

He drags his feet through the dirt as he allows his tears to fall. He loved her like a sister and didn't trust anyone else quite in the way he trusted her. The only person he had trusted more had been Eira, and now he's managed to lose both of them.

His hands form into shaking fists and he puts one of them against his lips in an attempt to keep quiet. He decides to stop for a little while to calm down before he retrieves his people. He wants them to be happy that they're safe and that the war is over, and having him fighting tears the whole time would make that difficult.

He stops and rests his back against a tree. The coolness of the dirt beneath his skin is welcoming and it calms him. Something about the ground and the quiet energy of the soil and plants has always been like that for him, likely because it's his power. He has a strong connection with it.

Even the land seems to feel his sadness though. Dark, oppressive clouds hang overhead and a cool breeze blows. Goosebumps raise on his skin and the sweat on the back of his neck sends chills through him. He leans his forehead against his knees and finally allows his emotions to release.

He sobs for Valkyrie, for Eira, and for all the Eikonidian people who lost their lives in this meaningless war. Even the Ankathian lives lost didn't mean anything, because they weren't fighting over anything. He cries for all the death and the lives that were stolen too early. He cries because he's lost two of the most important people to him in a month and because someone knows how he feels. He had desperately been longing for someone to understand the pain he was feeling, but he doesn't care about that now. He wants Valkyrie back, wants Eira back. He would give anything to have them back, and yet there's nothing that can do that.

Rain begins to fall from the sky lightly and the drops land in the dirt around him. Thunder rumbles across the sky and it's as if everyone is feeling the loss of Valkyrie. She had an impact on everything and didn't even realize it, but it's too late now. The one person that everyone thought would never die is now dead.

He stands to his feet, his legs trembling under him. He walks deeper into the forest and he reaches the place he left his people a few minutes later. They're in the same place, anxiously awaiting the Mauliks return.

They all turn with hopeful looks when he steps into the area. He offers them a weak smile. "The war is over," he says, his voice cracking.

Cheering erupts and people are hugging and crying tears of joy, kissing their kids' cheeks or their loved ones. It goes on for several long minutes, until finally they quiet down.

The little girl, Kaj thinks her name is Bailey, steps forward from the group and tugs on his pantleg. "Where's Val?"

His heart nearly breaks all over again. Tears fill his eyes at the mention of her name and as he's about to reply, Phoenix walks through the trees. Valkyrie is cradled in his arms and tears stain his face, but he's trying to be strong. Their people deserve to know their savior.

Bailey shrieks when she sees Valkyrie. Phoenix collapses to his knees in exhaustion before leaning over Valkyrie, whispering in her ear even though she can't hear.

Bailey tries to run over to her but her mother stops her. The little girl is screaming and kicking, trying to get to the fallen hero. The joyful mood from just moments ago descends into hushed sadness. Several people are fighting tears, somehow knowing that she saved all of them without having to hear the exact words. They don't know what happened, but they know that the war is over because of her. They're safe thanks to her.

Phoenix buries his face in the crook of her neck one last time, fresh tears running from his eyes. He could never have imagined that this level of pain was possible, yet it is. The unimaginable, breath-taking pain is more than he can bear and it feels as if his heart is actually breaking.

Thu-thump. Thu-thump.

His heart is beating heavily in his chest.

He turns his head so it's resting against her chest and shoulder, feeling her collarbone against his cheek. It takes a moment to hear, but a faint sound is there.




He picks his head up and takes a deep, shaky breath before listening again, but he wasn't imagining it. It's really there.


It isn't his heartbeat.

It's hers.

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