I'm breaking the habit tonight 22

Start from the beginning

"Well, next time wake me up too okay? I don't want you to deal with the emotions alone like you normally try to do", Brad whispered just inch away from Rob's lips.

"If you insist", Rob rolled his eyes again.

"Yes. Now you go ahead and read the book. I'll stay here", the guitarist smiled.

Rob picked up the book that he had tossed aside and got back on reading. But soon the brown eyes scrutinizing him were getting under his skin and he groaned.

"Delson! You're again staring at me!", he frowned just as the singer joined them and moved the book so that Brad couldn't stare at his face.

"What are you two doing?", Chester yawned crashing on the other side of the couch.

Brad laughed at the drummer who was obviously annoyed. "Nothing really. He had a nightmare and when I woke up he was here reading. We talked and now he is reading again."

"Why is he looking weird?", Chester asked swinging his legs up and laying down.

Brad shrugged. "That's his reading face."

"Hey I'm kinda here you know?", Rob moved the book so that he could stare at the guitarist.

"Yay! The view got better again", Brad grinned.

Rob smacked him with the book making him giggle. "Stop being so freaking annoying!"

"You two are so cute that I can almost literally see unicorns and rainbows", Chester waved his hand in the air laughing.

The drummer turned his gaze to him. "Don't really know is that good or bad thing. Or maybe you're hallucinating?"

The singer laughed again shaking his head vigorously. "No seriously. Cute is good. I'm glad that you found each other."

Brad glanced to look at the drummer like saying: "See? I told you so."

"Do you have any future plans? Like... We have only few shows left and then few months off. And... what about then? Do you... Gosh this is so exciting!", the singer's thoughts were traveling.

The guitarist snorted. "Hold on Chaz, you're really getting ahead of things."

"Yeah... Well, all I need to do is to find a new house in the three months minus some days we have free time", Rob turned his gaze back to the book.

"Aww Robbie, that's boring! You need to do something together!", Chester suggested even more excited.

"You forget that we happen to be in a band called Linkin Park which isn't that small... Really not good thing to let the press know about our relationship", Brad shook his head.

Chester fell on to his thoughts which was kinda scary to Rob cause he knew the singer too well. He was planning something and that could be good or bad. Probably more bad than good.

"Rob... New house? Why?", Brad asked softly poking his navel.

Rob sighed. "You saw why. I don't want to be there. I don't really even know how am I able to go there to pick up my stuff. All the furniture... I don't need all but there are some I do want to keep"

"Right... How about my place?", the guitarist said when the drummer grabbed his wrist so that he would stop the poking.

"You are not really suggesting that I move in with you?", the drummer gasped in surprise.

The singer was now staring at them eyes wide with excitement. Which was way more than before, and way more annoying too. He wasn't saying anything though, more like holding his breath and waiting for Rob to say something.

"Well... Yeah. Cause why would you get your own house? We are so rarely at home that it would go to waste anyway. You can do that when you get fed up with me. Right?", Brad arched his brows.

And now there were two pairs of eyes staring at him waiting for an answer. Suddenly it felt like he was being proposed to or something really serious and it was all too sudden and...

"Rob... Oh no. Chester can you leave us for a moment?", Brad noticed the change instantly.

The singer skittered back to his bunk thinking that it was his fault. Idiot, he mocked himself inwardly. He just wanted them to be happy but still didn't know how to deal with the drummer and his emotions. Certainly it wasn't his intention to cause any problems.

Brad got up and crawled on Rob's lap straddling him. His another favorite place to be in.

"You know I didn't try to push you?", he whispered.

Rob sighed heavily when the guitarist kissed the lonely tear off of his cheek. "Yes. Sorry, you know how I am. I just got suddenly all unsure.... and.... Brad I'm sorry."

The guitarist pressed his lips against Rob's and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"So.... I still love you if you say no", Brad nuzzled Rob's nose. "It doesn't even matter where your stuff are. I just want to spent all the time possible with you. Or if you don't like my house we can get a new one. Or if you like you could get your own room."

"Brad no, I... God. I want to be with you. Like really be with you, cause I love you. I don't need my own room. Oh wait... I do for the drums. But, I just got anxious when it came so suddenly. Even... then I can't think that we just go to our own houses and.. well I can't even think going to mine but even in new one and then just...", the drummer was blabbering but Brad's face lit up.

"Bourdie!", he pushed the drummer on to his back and then got on top of him hugging him as hard as he could.

"Hey! Even though you're that skinny you could still break some bones! What the heck are you doing?", Rob frowned but chuckled then when the enthusiastic guitarist drowned him to wet kisses.

Brad laughed feeling happy but also victorious. "You said it! Accidentally I think but you did anyway!"

Rob's brows furrowed more cause he certainly didn't understand what the other was talking about.

"You said you love me", the guitarist breathed his smile spreading from ear to ear.

Rob rolled his eyes and laughed. "Guess I did."

"And you can't take it back now. I'm keeping it", the other grinned connecting their lips again.

"But I'm not saying it again!", Rob mumbled amongst the kisses.

Brad chuckled again trailing his hands under Rob's shirt "Yes you will, eventually! Just when I least expect..."

"Oh fuck off....", Rob groaned still smiling and wrapping his arms around the other.

"Oh my god my eyes!!", there was suddenly a yell in the corridor.

They both bursted into laughter when they saw Joe covering his eyes and turning on his heels. One person that isn't as used to them as the others. But he had all the time in the world to do it.


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