Sharp edges have consequences 9

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A/N: Dun dun dun... Another hopefully not so boring chapter. And sorry about the reference, couldn't help it lololol :D . Thank you for reading, voting and reviewing. Enjoy :)


It had been fifteen days since Rob had last spoken to Brad properly. After the talk he had been trying to avoid the guitarist. It was rather easy since it seemed like the guitarist did exactly the same. After the two final shows they came back to US and had some days without concerts. Which, basically didn't mean a holiday. They still had plenty of stuff to do as a band but they did have also some alone time. Now Rob was standing outside their tour bus waiting for his nerves to calm. Twenty something hours to go. Something had happened and somehow the flight had changed to a bus drive. Lucky their driver was a nice human being and they could ask for a stop when ever they wanted. That just didn't change the fact that he couldn't escape. They were stuffed like sardines in a tin can. And his mind was like whirlwind of feelings and thoughts.

"Dude! Come on! You know we won't eat you", Joe jumped out the bus and came to push him inside.

Good idea. It must have looked stupid when I just stood there alone, the drummer thought. He inhaled heavily walking to his bunk and doing the things he always did first. Always the same. It was so tedious. Wasn't like he really needed any action but he was so fed up with the routines. He was alone even though he was never alone. The scratched his hip absentmindedly. New wounds were itchy but he loved when the scabs tore up and the raw flesh reappeared.

"Hi! Ready for the tour?", Mike passed him smiling. Sure he was smiling. He was always smiling. Rob tried to smile. Like really feel it. But it didn't really work. He couldn't find anything to smile about. Smiling wasn't really his thing anyway so no one noticed if he wouldn't smile.

The driver sat down and glanced over his shoulder and started the engine. And that's the sound what I have been fearing, he thought sighing and sat down. Chester looked at him frowning but he didn't see it. After the tour overseas he had gotten back to his bad habit of not eating. Well he did eat, but it was more like nibble here and nibble there. Not like plate full of something the others ate. Also reason why he tried to avoid going to a dinner with them. Seeing all that food made him sick. Which was also the reason Chester was staring at him. He had lost even more weight and was like a shadow on himself.

"You wanna play?", Dave waved X Box controller in the air. The drummer shook his head leaning back focusing to the book. The singer took the challenge which made Joe groan and Mike laugh since they both remembered what happened last time.

Brad was in the kitchen area staring at Rob. He couldn't believe how bad the drummer looked. He had been skin and bones. Now he was.. well something beyond that. Sure his clothes hid most of it but not his hands and face. Brad didn't know what to do. He thought that apologizing would have been enough but maybe it wasn't. But he had to do something. Even thought he had to pretend he didn't have any feelings it shouldn't mean that he wouldn't care the drummer as a friend.

"Chester! What the fuck!", Dave yelled laughing and jumped almost on Rob who flinched back annoyed now. He groaned quietly and got up. There were few seats also between the kitchen and the drivers seat which he usually used when the others were being too noisy and he couldn't sleep yet either.

"Hey", Brad stopped him on the way. He had again the pitying face on him that Rob hated.

"I was making a sandwich. Want some?", he asked then. Rob shook his head and frowned. They really are obsessed with food, he thought and sat down opening the book.

Brad frowned in return but didn't answer. After he had made his sandwich he sat across the drummer.

"What are you reading?", he asked. He was genuinely curious, but also wanted to open the discussion up.

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