Chapter 7

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"Melody, wake up!" I hear Star-burns urgent voice and my optics immediately online. I shoot up into a sitting position, and panic floods through my processor until I feel his large and rough servo on my shoulder plate.

My spark rate decreases and I look at him. He has a new look in his optics- worry maybe? Just as I'm about to ask him what's wrong, the ship jolts and I'm thrown off the berth.

Expecting to land hard on metal floor, I slowly online my optics when I don't. I sorta wish I didn't online them.

Star-burn was laying under me, his arm wrapped tightly around my back strut, and our lower frames pushed together because of where he was holding me. The worst part- our faceplates were really close.

I vent in anxiety and he vents as well, we're so close I can feel his vent land on my cheek plate. We stare at each other for quite a few seconds, neither of us moving or breaking optic contact. 

Do I move? Say sorry? My processor is running a million miliunits a second and I can't really slow it down.

It doesn't help that I notice a small energon blush growing on his cheek plates.

Another boom echoes through the ship and this must of knocked Star-burn out of our trance, because he keeps his arm around me as he pushes himself up.

Holding me against his frame, he opens my door and runs to the bridge, with me holding on like a scarred sparkling. As he runs, more echoed booms vibrate through the ship, causing him to stumble a few times.

Setting me down, he opens the bridge doors and lightly but quickly pushes me inside and into a seat. Pushing a button by my left arm, two metal straps instantly secure me to the seat. The straps cross in an x pattern over my chest plates, allowing me to use my arms.

Star-burn looks at me in the optics and nods with a questioning look. I nod back, telling him I was okay. Star vents and turns quickly walking over to Oracle, stumbling along the way, with more booms vibrating the ship.

"Have you targeted them Oracle?" Star asks, his voice almost fading out into the booms which I'm guessing are explosions. "Yeah, and I'm running." Oracle has to practically yell back to be heard over the noise, since her voice is naturally quiet.

"How close are we to Earth?" Trailways asks, just stumbling through the door into the bridge. He uses my chair to help stabilize his frame as he walks over to the chair next to me.

"Look in front of ya!" Oracle yells, stress and anxiety clear in her voice. "Wow." I barely hear Trailways speak that word as we both look out into the pitch black of space, from the view on the main view screen.

There are stars everywhere, but my main focus is on the amazingly beautiful planet, that's mostly blue with large chunks of land here and there. White bunches of something float in the atmosphere, and I could tell from here that it covers quite a bit of the planet, but it disappears in some areas. "Wow." I copy Trailways word and stare in awe.

Unfortunately, my awe was quickly replaced with fear as another object moves into our view. A ship I wish I wouldn't have seen for a long long time. 

The Nemesis.

The large purple ship is like the pits, especially since the King of the Pits is the ruler of that ship, and everybot on it.

I must of whimpered or cowered down in my chair, because Trailways set a comforting servo on my upper arm plating and I vent, offlining my optics. Hearing heavy pede-steps, I look up to see Star-burn walking to the seat in front of mine and Trailways.

"Oracle, buckle up and get us to that planet." His voice was pure strictness, with so much hope, authority, and sureness, that I could've definitely thought we would make it.

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