"Shhh Cam it's alright. Listen, Calum may be a total dick at times but he has changed, he's a sweet guy and you don't know how many times a day I heard about you while you were here. I knew he liked you from the very beginning, the way he looks at you just says it all. The past is the past, we can't fix it but we can focus on right now and you two can fix it all now." Michael said, he was right, I should forget what Calum did in the past and worry about what is being done now.

"Michael," I started to say as I wiped the away my tears. He looked down at me and nodded, "I-I think I love Calum." I said, Michael's eyes went wide before he grinned at me.

"I knew it! Now, when are you going to tell him?" He asked, his question caught me off guard for a second before I answered.

"When I've seen some change in him, maybe I will in a week." I wasn't ready to admit my feelings for Calum, not yet I just need time.

"Alright, understandable. Now come on you've gotta get Bentley home, come back tomorrow the boys and I have a gig here at the local park." I nodded giving Michael a big hug before heading out of his room. I went downstairs and saw Calum was there with Bentley.

"Mommy!" Bentley ran up to me and I picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ready to go home baby?" I asked, Bentley nodded.

"Let me take you home, please. It's the least I could do Cam." Calum offered, I nodded and we made our way to his car so he could take us home.

"Buckle your seatbelt." I said to Bentley.

"Seatbelt buckled!" He gave me a thumbs up. We started our drive to Avery's house.

We arrived at Avery's and Calum grabbed Bentley and carried him up to the front door, I looked for my keys but couldn't find them.

"Frick! I must have left them inside." I groaned before knocking on the door. Avery answered and he eyes went wide.

"Cam, why is he here?" She asked while keeping a fake smile on her face.

"Because he drove me here and has changed." I said back quietly.

"Dad won't like this.." Avery spoke. Out of the blue John walked up to the door and his eyes went wide. Oh this can't be good.

"You!" He shouted.

"Hello Mr. Stewart, nice to see you agai-" but John cut him off.

"You where the boy who beat my little girl, and got her pregnant!" John yelled at Calum. He's lucky he's holding Bentley or Calum would be leaving with a black eye.

"Sir understand that I've changed, I'm not the same Calum I was in high school. I'm here now to help Camber and to be in my sons life. I know I can't be forgiven for what I did to your daughter but let me prove to you that I've changed." Calum said trying to reason with John. That's funny because you don't reason with John, not ever.

"Hand Bentley over to Camber, girls go inside, I'm going to have a talk with Calum." I gulped hopping he wouldn't hurt Calum. He handed Bentley over to me and we went inside. I was scared if what would happen.

// Calum //

Camber's dad wanted to talk to me alone and hopefully not pound my face in. I was nervous, I didn't want him to know me as the old Calum, I want to show him I've changed.

"Alright Calum listen here, I don't want you near my daughter or her son ever again. You were an abusive teenager and I don't want you around her, for her safety, you understand right?" He said. I didn't want to stay away from them, Bentley is my son, and I love Camber.

"Mr. Stewart, I get you want your daughter safe but I'm not staying away from her or my son. They need me and I'm going to stay right here and be there for her." I argued back, he didn't seem to like that.

"Maybe you didn't understand me. You're going to stay away from my daughter and her son or I'll call the cops on you next time and get a restraining order on you, do you understand me now?" He said sternly. No matter what the case was I was going to see my son and Camber.

"You don't understand sir, I'm in love with your daughter, and I know I've done some terrible things in the past but Camber gave me a second chance to prove myself to her and that's what I did tonight. Don't take my son away from me and the girl of my dreams. I promise if you just give me one more chance I can prove to you that she is safe with me." I was going to fight to keep them in my life. I'm not leaving not matter what her dad says.

"I don't care if you love her you'll just end up hurting her that's why I want you to stay away from her. Now have a goodnight Calum, great talk." He said heading up the stairs to the door. He opened it but the words came out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"I love her! You can't take her away from me, I've been working so hard to prove to her that I've changed, I've been trying to stay in my sons life! No matter what you say, I'll never change my feeling for her! I'm in love with Camber Taylor Stewart, I'll scream it to the world if I have to sir, but nothing will keep me from seeing her or my son." He stopped and let go of the door. He walked down the steps and was now in front of me face to face.

"Don't make me repeat myself Calum, I want you to stay away from my daughter and if I catch you with her, well the cops will be called and you will have a restraining order. Glade you see it my way son, now have a nice night." He walked bake up and went inside, I didn't know what else to say.

"Damn it." I cursed under my breath. I got into my car and drove back to the house.

Once I arrived at the house I came in and slammed the door. I couldn't believe her dad was keeping me from her and my son, Bentley needs his father he needs me.

"Calum hey, what's up with you?" Luke asked.

"Camber's dad told me to stay away from her and that I can't see Bentley anymore. I told him I loved her but he didn't care. He said the next time he catches me with her he'll call the cops and get a restraining order on me. Luke what do I do?" I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"I have a plan, but were going to need everybody." Luke smirked at me and I knew he was thinking of a devious plan.

"Hey Calum your back." Ashton said walking down the stairs.

"Yeah how'd it go?" Michael asked coming out of the game room.

"Basically her dad told him he can't see her anymore or Bentley and if he catches him with her, he's calling the cops and get a restraining order on him. But don't worry, I have a plan." Luke said pulling out his phone and dialing a number.

"Hopefully this time Luke's plan will actually work." Michael groaned.

"Luke who are you-" Ashton started to say but Luke shushed him.

"Hey buddy

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